2: Reincarnation

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As i was walking home i bought a dozen of bananas since i was craving for it, its actually my favorite fruit anyways. I opened the door and went straight to my room as i ate. Little did i know that a peel fell down as i walked up the stairs.

I was reading the new comic i just bought and felt thirsty, as i went out of my room and headed towards the stairs i slipped and the next thing i know i fell down the stairs head first and felt liquid from my head which is probably blood. I looked up and saw a banana peel?

What the fuck?! Did i just slipped because of that? Im such an idiot.

I lost my consciousness after a few minutes probably because a concussion or from blood loss. No no no i cant die like this i'll look an idiot. I dont want to let the police think that i was stupid to slip on a banana peel and fell down a 10 feet long stair.

What if Aira see's me i'm sure she'll laugh at me for sure....

Wait am i still alive or something why am i still able to think.



"One more push mistress"


"Wah wah"

Is that a baby crying? Why the heck is there a baby?

"Congratulations Your Highness its a healthy baby boy"

'Oi oi can someone explain to me whats happening?!'

I saw a bright light as i opened my eyes to see a beautiful lady infront of me. Huh? Is this a dream?

"My angel, you look so adorable i'll name you, Xander... Xander Terres"

'Huh? Huh?! Wait what?' As i was confused and asking my self so many questions on whats happening, i felt my eyelids getting heavier every second, until i eventually fell asleep.

How that fuck did it end up here?
I was processing on what had happened for the past few hours and i finally had an idea on what it is.

Did i just reincarnate? I thought that shit only exists on novels, otomes, and people's imagination. To think it was real? This must me joke. Right it must be, this cant be real...

Okay its real, i've been here for 2 days now and im loving it. All i have to do is laze around all day, nothing to do, nothing to stress about. Although the only people i saw since i came here was that beautiful lady and my nanny Mel. My room, its like what novels describe a castle. The walls are painted with gold and diamonds, shining that almost made my eyes blind at first, together with beautiful paintings. Large chandelier hanging above the ceiling that is painted with flowers. Seriously, this cant be a room for a baby that', not even a week old.

From what i observed it seems like my family in this life is very rich, maybe they're nobility i dont know. It's getting boring now, i may love to laze around but this is kinda too much for me. All i ever do is lay down on my crib, can't stand, can't walk, can't talk. I let out a heavy sigh as i looked on the ceiling.

"Ababa habu" (╬☉д⊙)⊰⊹ฺ Ugh talking is so hard when my tounge is this freaking short.

(A/N i will use Xander instead of Kenji from now on)

As the now baby Xander kept on trying to talk, he didnt realize that her nanny was looking at him with sparkles in her eyes as she trembled to keep herself from pinching her young master's chubby cheeks.

Oh gosh how can be a baby this cute. I wanna hug him, no i can't, but can i atleast pinch his cheeks? The nanny kept on cooing her cute little master as her eyes widened when the little boy managed to flip over his body.

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