Chapter 25- Nigel's Return

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Someone was climbing below them on the mountains. Indeara had first spotted them two days. There were three figures far below them, tiny black specks against the grey and green scenery.

"Do you think it's them?" Vassa asked.

"It's probable." Sedine said. "Although it could be another group of travelers. But since my dear friends came and threatened to find me in my dreams four days before they showed up, it looks awfully suspicious."

"I could crush them with rocks," Indeara offered. "But I'd rather not until we confirm their identity."

"Orrrr," Vassa said. "You could just block the trail?"

"Oh, that's a good idea." Indeara said.

"Hm..." Sedine said, surveying the mountain below the cliff they stood on. "Where would be the best place to collapse the path?"

"How about there?" Vassa asked, pointing to a spot where the path had sheer walls of cliff on either side. "If you can make a big enough explosion to block the entire path, they'll have to double back."

"I was just thinking that." Sedine said.

"Um. Is this going to be noisy?" Pinky asked.

"Yeah probably." Indeara said.

"Would one of you mind covering my ears?" the sow asked.

"I've got you." Vassa said. "I brought earplugs anyway."

"Do you want me to do it now?" Indeara asked.

"Sure." Sedine said.

The others backed away, covering their ears.

Indeara focused on the mountainside. You want to crumble, she whispered to it mentally. You want to quake.

Barely perceptible tremors began to run through the earth she stood on.

You want to burst. You want to explode outwards.

There was a deafening crack, and stone and earth began to crumble away from the mountain. She directed it towards the place Vassa had indicated.

More. You want to explode like a frozen grape in hot oil.

The loud cracking noises continued. More soil and rock shards rained down on the path.

Well that was a little harder than that carriage back in Reganne, Indeara thought, mopping sweat off her forehead.

"Nice going!" Sedine complimented her, grinning.

"Let's get a head start!" Pinky said.

"Are you feeling alright?" Vassa asked. "That looked intense!"

"It was!" Indeara said. "But I think I'll be fine. Let's go!"

They walked briskly up the mountain, all four of them laughing with glee.

"What do you bet one of them will be in my dreams tonight saying something along the lines of 'we know you have a witch ally now, Sedine. You can't escape us'?" Sedine said.

"If they do, just say 'what on earth are you talking about? I'm travelling alone?'," Vassa suggested, giggling harder.

"Even better, say 'I actually have five. Maybe be a little more careful'," Pinky snorted.

Indeara gasped for breath, unable to control her laughter.

"Please." She said. "Whichever you use, you have to tell us their reaction!"


"It's going to be really funny if that wasn't actually them!" Vassa said. "Imagine: you're a simple traveler trying to pass through the peaks with your companions, and some asshole witch just says 'nah, not today'."

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