Part 16- New Outfit

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On a blank day four days after the incident in Kestrel, the markings on the back of Isaan's neck that Lace had pointed out began to burn mysteriously.

"Uh... man...?" Toby said.

"What?" Isaan asked.

"Those markings on your neck... They're glowing." Toby whispered.

"What?" Isaan said. "It's weird, they suddenly started hurting, and now they're glowing too?"

"Does it mean one of the people you're bound to is in trouble?" Toby asked.

"I don't know!" Isaan said. "Gah, it feels like it's one fire!"

"Man, that is probably not a good sign." Toby said.

"What do we do?!"

"About what?" Allie asked.

Toby quickly filled her in on the situation.

"Get Kaedwyn is what we do." Allie said. "Wait right here."

She raced off, towing Kaedwyn back with her a few moments later.

"Allie already filled me in," Kaedwyn said, as Toby opened his mouth to speak.

She rested one warm hand on the back of his neck, and made a surprised noise.

"I can feel the heat from it," she commented.

"Is one of them in danger?" Isaan asked anxiously.

"I don't know," Kaedwyn shrugged. "Does it really feel like it's burning?"

"Yes! Like someone pressed a hot coal against my neck."

"Did they burn themselves? Is that why it feels like that?" Toby asked.

What if they're hurt?

"Toby, do us a favor and be quiet." Allie said. "You're stressing him out."

"Sorry." Toby said.

The heat abruptly faded from his neck, and Isaan sighed in relief.

"Huh. It went cool quickly." Kaedwyn said.

"Do you think it means they're okay? Whoever they are?" Allie asked.

"Hopefully." Kaedwyn said.

What happened to them to make the mark burn like that? I don't think it had anything to do with actual fire.

Emotion distress, maybe?

I hope they're okay now.

"I wonder if we'll stay in Amina long," Allie said, changing the subject.

"I doubt it." Toby said. "Aren't we just dropping all the Loann Cardamom off with some lordling customer of Mr. Hexing's that lives there?"

"Dill told me they're old friends." Kaedwyn said. "So this may be a multi-day stop."

"I really wish we could just keep moving." Isaan said.

"Me too." Kaedwyn agreed. "We've got places to be."

"Sometimes resting a bit isn't a bad decision." Allie said. "We'll make it to the peaks in plenty of time."

"I'm sure you're right," Kaedwyn said. "But the anticipation is just so much. You know? Somehow, I've got a chance to live in peace for the first time in six years, and I don't want it to go to waste."

"No, I get it." Allie said. "And I don't blame you. Living in peace sounds great."

It suddenly occurred to Isaan that he knew virtually nothing about Allie's past other than she'd been born and raised in Reganne.

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