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“Hey, pumpkin.”

Inara turned to find Alex coming up behind her where she was standing out on the terrace of the church building trying for the second time to see if Zee had shown up for the wedding rehearsal. It was 8:00 am and Zee was not there yet.

Inara noticed that Alex had lost some pounds. His weight loss efforts were paying off. He was looking good.

“Wow, you are slimming down.”

“I told you. Anyway, congratulations again. You got married fast.”

“Yeah, I did.”

“And I’ve seen the guy. He’s really hot. Isn’t he the owner of Men’s Aura? Where did you find him?”

Inara shrugged but said nothing.

“You never tell me anything. I’m happy for you anyway.”

“Thanks Alex.”

“You’re welcome. What about Amara?”

“She’s with someone else, I’m sorry.”


“You should have told her yourself.”

Alex was immobile for a moment, disappointed.

“She did like you though.”

His face lit up. “Really?”

“She said so. But she was just waiting for you to say something.”

Alex sighed. “Story of my life. Well, that’s some big lesson for me.”

Inara felt bad for him and was moved to hug him, so she did, offering him some comfort. As they hugged, Lemuel emerged through the entrance beside them, phone in his ear as he was trying to make a call. Inara and Alex disengaged upon seeing him and Lemuel ended the call.

“I don’t believe I’ve met you.” He said to Alex.

“I’m Alex. I’m in the choir with her.” Alex explained.

“I see. Okay.” Lemuel said and resumed dialing a line on his phone.

Alex turned to go back inside and Inara followed closely behind him but was stopped by Lemuel’s free hand which had reached out and encircled her by the waist, halting her and pulling her back closely beside him.

He was wearing a navy blue ankle sleeve sweat vest over a sleeveless light blue buttoned up shirt that he left flying out over dark grey fitted jeans and classic black sneaker boots. Inara was wearing a black tee-shirt and black hose under a knee length, jean pencil skirt. Her feet were encased in dark brown, low wedge sandals.

Held captive, she stood beside him as he left instructions to his secretary.

“Yeah, have the meeting rescheduled. I know they are investors. But I also know I’ll be on my honeymoon by then. Have them know I’ll reach them though. Good. Thank you.”

He ended the call and focused on Inara’s face.

“In less than five words, who was that boy?”

“My Choir friend.”

“And you were hugging because?”

“He’s going through a relationship problem.”

He placed his palm gently on her stomach.

“This matter is waiting to be addressed. Imagine my surprise if we later discover he’s responsible for this. There will be hell.”

He placed a kiss on her forehead and headed back inside the church, leaving Inara uneasy and contemplating the strangeness of her situation.

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