Struggle being a family

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Darui pov

"Where is she?!" Sasuke Uchiha asks. "What about?" I ask as if I don't know. "My daughter, Menma! Where is she?!" He asks. "I don't know, I don't even know what she looks like. Do you think I will know how she looks even when I didn't see her?" I ask. "Kazekage must have given you the picture of her!" He said. 'He did, but I will not say about it...' I thought.

"I will go then," Sasuke said. I sighed with relief when he left. 'I can now let Naruko go around.....' I thought.


Menma pov

"Any request of gift?" Aunt Karin asks triplets. "More candleholder! Someone broke them!" Himari said. "Come on! Maybe more weapons to train." Kawaki said. "Ah! I know! The chocolate bun!" Minato said.

I just looked at them from afar. "When is your birthday?" Uncle Nagato asks. "The 28 July....." I said. "Really? What a coincidence! It's our birthday too!" Minato said.

"Any, request?" Uncle asks. "Um, the folding fan that can use on the fight," I said, getting flashbacks of my dad giving one to Sarada. "Ah, need to say it right away!" Aunt Karin said as she walked away. With uncle Nagato.

"Folding fan to use on the fight?" Kawaki asks. "Does it exist?" Minato asks. "I, asked this folding fan a long time. But, Sasuke gave it to Sarada. My step-sister." I said. "Wow, and that's our father? Ignoring his daughter's wish. He is pathetic!" Himari said. I was just silent.


Sarada pov

"Sarada, can you check the post?" My mom said. "Yes!" I said. I was planning to go out, but wouldn't mind checking the post. As I came to the post, I took one envelope that was standing to my uncle. 'Wouldn't hurt anyone if I check...' I thought as I opened it.

'Hi, Itachi. You know soon will be triplets birthday. And the biggest surprise to us! Menma came! I only hope her mother will come.

But anyway, Himari wants new candleholders. Much as you can.

Kawaki's new weapons.

And Minato with others much bun with chocolates.

And may you find a folding fan that can be a weapon? It's for Menma.

But, see another time.


By Karin and Nagato.'

'Triplets? Menma? Why is she there?' I thought as I looked at the ground. I fastly laid the letter back on the envelope and walked into the house. "Something?" Mom asks. "It's for uncle," I said as I walked to uncle Itachi's room.

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