Chapter Eleven <33

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The days were going by too fast. It was getting closer and closet to the day the two would have to let go of each other. Both of their hearts ached every time they thought about how close they were getting to their departure.

Although the first day of camp had only felt like yesterday, the leader of the camp was dashing through the cabins; yelling out at everyone to wake up and get ready to leave.

Zoe's eyelids fluttered open and her face lit up at the sight of the love of her life wrapped around her.

'Madsi, wakey wakey.' She whispered in the blonde's ear softly, nibbling at her ear.

Madison squirmed around in the bed as she felt her ear being tickled. She loudly yawned and gazed up at the girl she was snuggled into.

'Good morning, princess.' The blonde gave Zoe a slobbery kiss before pulling away quickly. 'Eugh I hate morning breath.'

Zoe giggled as she lifted her girlfriend up out of bed along with herself. They got changed out of their pyjamas and walked to the dining hall, holding on to each other's hands tightly. The tall girl's eyes filled with tears as her brain reminded her that this was the last time that she would walk with her girlfriend to breakfast in a while. She dreaded the departure today. However, she tried to keep a happy look on her face as she ate her last waffles of the summer.

'Ugh I don't want to leave you guys, this has by far been the best summer ever.' Zoe's eyes welled up with tears again as she looked around at her friends she may never see again.

The rest of the table agreed with her apart from Bee who had still not gotten over how she had just been dumped so quickly by Madison. However, after a nudge from Mallory she looked up and agreed too. There was only two hours left of camp, there was no point holding a grudge.

'I've become so attached to you guys I don't think home will feel the same anymore. I've become so used to living and putting up with you all that it will honestly feel so weird without you. Everyone sitting here will always hold a special place in my heart and I hope to see you all next summer. But for now, cheers to making the the best summer ever.' Mallory made a speech with a sad tone.

They all clinked their plastic cups of apple juice together and started planning a holiday together in the future. Some ideas were brought up that they even go flatting or go to the same college all together. They chatted on and on. It felt like the first day of camp. If only is still was.


Zoe carefully zipped up her suitcase. Her clothes had been neatly folded inside. She was almost ready to leave the campsite. She quickly scanned the room to check if any of her belongings were hanging around.

'Madison, you need to pack!' She told off the blonde who was curled up on Zoe's bed with tears slowly streaming down her face. She was in a tight ball rocking back and forth.

'Zoe I don't have the energy to. I can't- I don't want to. I don't want you to leave me.' Madison started softly sobbing.

'Madsi, I will message and call you every day. Even though I'll be in New Jersey and you'll be in New York, my mind will always be thinking about you, the special girl I met at this amazing camp.' The lanky girl squeezed her girlfriend before packing her stuff for her.

She carefully folded her tiny clothes. It was honestly adorable how most of the underwear and bras were from the kids aisle in Target. Most guys would get put off by it but Zoe found it the cutest thing in the world. She shoved all of Madison's other belongings in her backpack. She was almost done when her phone pinged.

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