Chapter Six <33

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It was Saturday night. The night of the 'weekly party in the games room.' Zoe curled her eye lashes in front of the mirror.

'It isn't a biggie. You just might wanna make sure you're shaved nicely and you're breath doesn't smell like ass.' Madison said.

'Why would I need to be shaved and have my breath smell nice?' Zoe asked teasingly.

'I don't know, you might see a cute boy there.' The blonde shrugged.

The brunette sighed. Was the blonde acting dumb on purpose? She had literally left a hickey on her neck and now she's pretending like nothing happened. Speaking of the hickey she needed to put another bandaid on it. She peeled the manky, ruined plaster off and went to get another one.

'Madison do you have a bandaid?' Zoe asked.

The blonde glanced up at her and shook her head.

'Does anyone else have a plaster?' The brunette questioned.

'I do!' Mallory said sweetly.

She reached into her hoodie pocket and pulled out a packet of them.

'What do you need them for?' She inquired.

'Oh it's nothing. Just a bruise.' Zoe shrugged.

'Would you like me to rub some cream on it?' Mallory asked.

Madison looked up from her phone and locked eyes with Zoe then with Mallory.

'Yeah why don't you let Mallory rub some cream on it?' The blonde joined in on the conversation, not sure whether Zoe needed the plaster for a hickey she might have give her.

The blonde didn't actually realise she had given the brunette a hickey. But now that Zoe was in need of a plaster and said she had a bruise it drew Madison back to a few days ago which she had actually kind of forgotten about. She sat there on the bed waiting to see if Zoe did have a mark on her neck or not.

The brunette looked at the blonde weirdly. She wondered if Madison knew that she had left a mark on her neck.

'Actually I'll deal with it, I'm good with these types of things.' The blonde said as she gestured for Zoe to sit next to her.

The taller girl took the bandaids and came and sat down next to the shorter girl. She pointed to the red mark on her neck that was beginning to develop a brown and purple bruise around it. The blonde touched it resulting in Zoe jumping up. She sat back down.

'Shit sorry. Are you alright?' Madison whispered with warm breath and nibbled her ear.

'Yeah I'm fine.' Zoe responded.


The blonde was dressed in a short, tight, red dress. She wore hoop earrings, a layered necklace, and lots of rings. Her hair were in braids that Zoe had just done for her. The brunette wore a more modest black dress and not as much jewellery as her 'friend'.

They were walking along the track to the party, arms linking. Madison's bony, warm arm with Zoe's gave the taller girl butterflies. The pair approached the house and walked down to the games room. They greeted everyone and sat on the side of the room that had the older people. There were boxes of pizza and red cups filled with either lemonade or some type of alcoholic beverage. The duo got seated next to each other and munched on some pizza while starting up a conversation with Bee and Summer, as they hadn't really gotten an opportunity to get to know them yet.

A boy with shaggy black hair suggested to play seven minutes in heaven and most of the people there agreed. Zoe nodded, crossing her fingers and toes that she would get Madison. Kyle had told her how this annual game works. They had an app with a spinning wheel and they would spin it twice and the two people would have to go inside the cupboard under the stairs together for seven minutes. The boy got out his phone and typed in a few new names on his list. He then spun the wheel.

Luckily he called out people Zoe had never heard of. She needed more time to prepare herself for the kiss she could share with Madison. They had done about four rounds when he announced to do a girl on girl spin. He spun the wheel once.

'Madison anddddd...' He called out suspense-fully.

Zoe prayed. Please. Please. Please let it be her that gets to go in with the love of her life. She had never wanted anything more. This was her cha-


Oh. Her heart shattered into a million pieces as the blonde jumped up joyfully to join the girl with dark red hair. Was Madison actually going to kiss her? She just didn't seem like her type. She was wearing a sage green sweater vest and a white tennis skirt. She was covered in piercings and was definitely a raging bisexual. Well Madison didn't really have a type when it came to sex. She just wanted it. She liked how it felt. As long as it was sex it didn't matter how it felt.

The movie star skipped into the closet holding hands with Bee. They slammed the door behind them as the seven minute timer started. They both dived into a passionate kiss. The blonde's gorgeous hands that Zoe treasured so much went through the other girl's soft, thick hair. Bee's hands rested on Madison's breasts and rubbed them gently. They kept kissing roughly and the blonde pushed her up against the wall and kept her pinned there; kissing at her lower lip.

Madison's hands began exploring every part of the other girl's body. It had probably been about three minutes of them making out when the blonde decided she needed to ramp up things before it was too late. She lifted up her dress leaving her in her red lace lingerie and pulled off Bee's clothing too.

Meanwhile Zoe kept skulling bottles of beer. She had never drank before in her life but she needed something to numb the pain and jealousy she was feeling at the moment. She had probably downed about five bottles of beer when the timer went off. Finally. It had felt like an eternity. As the door opened she was waiting anxiously for the blonde to come out. But she didn't just bound out joyfully. She was slumped over in Bee's arms looking completely fatigued. She had lipstick smeared across her face and down her neck and thighs.

The girl Zoe was in love with had just had sex with another girl.

A/N: SORRY GUYS IF YOU HATE ME FOR THIS CHAPTER ZADISON WAS FORMING TOO FAST AND NEEDED SOMETHING JUICY TO HAPPEN. I promise I'll make it up later and give you the Zadison you want unlike Ryan Murphy did 😤... anygays hope you enjoyed comment suggestions and rate <33

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