Chapter Eight <33

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Weeks passed. Madison had in fact not forgotten about Bee. She had been spending EVERY FUCKING SECOND with her. Just like she used to do with Zoe. Even though her and the blonde weren't actually a couple. Bee and Madison one hundred percent were though.

It's almost like they were purposely trying to rub it in the brunette's face. They touched each others thighs at the dinner table, they made out every opportunity they could possibly get, they were cuddling 24/7, they slurped pasta from the ends until their lips met. The worst one of all was when Zoe walked in on them having sex. Madison had clearly seen her open the door but she just quickly turned her head back down to look at her new girlfriend who was eating her out.

The brunette couldn't help that she still had feelings for the blonde. If it was a choice, she wouldn't have. She hadn't spoken to her ever since the night things all went down hill. She hadn't had a chance to. Every single second of every single day Madison was head over heels for Bee and cared about nothing else. Bee had permanently taken her bed now. Had Zoe done something wrong? She needed to find this out but how?

The brunette hopped up from her bed and hid her journal under her pillow. She walked to lunch with Mallory. Today was American hot dogs and cinnamon rolls. Zoe and Mallory both agreed on this being their favourite lunch day of the week. The benefit of Madison and Zoe's 'falling out' had been that she had become a lot more closer with Mal. The girl with wavy hair was such a kind loving person and was always there for her.

Zoe sat next to Mallory with their plates of hot dogs and freshly made cinnamon rolls. They started a conversation about their 'The Baby Sitters Club' head canons. It was a new show that they had started watching the other night. It was a new tradition for them to weekly pick a new show and finish it as fast as they could. This was the third week they were doing it.

'So Kristy is definitely lesbian. There is so much evidence pointing to that.' Mallory announced.

'Yessss! I couldn't agree more. And Stacey is a raging bisexual. Oh and Dawn is obviously pansexual.' Zoe replied.

They were interrupted by the microphone echoing like it did every meal.

'Ahem, good afternoon everyone. For the afternoon activities everyone above twelve and who would like to will be playing paintball. Everyone under the age of twelve and who do not have parental permission will be decorating cupcakes in the mess hall. Thank you and see you at dinner.' The camp leader stepped down from the microphone and walked off.

The two best friends at the table continued on their conversation. Once lunch was over they went back to their cabin to get changed in appropriate clothing for paintball and set off to start the game.

When they got to the paintball forest there were about fifty people. A guy was handing out helmets, glasses, jackets, and knee/elbow pads. Madison and Bee were standing right beside Zoe kissing each other and blowing compliments at each other. Ugh. The guy gave Zoe and Mallory their protection equipment and they put it on. He then sorted every body into teams. Unfortunately, Mallory got put in the red team and Zoe got put in the yellow. She hated being separated from her best friend as she didn't really know anyone else apart from Kyle. Kyle was in the blue team.

She walked over to her group and rolled her eyes as she saw the movie star standing beside the yellow flag staring at her. Great. Fucking great. But Zoe knew she had to work with Madison and not just give her the cold shoulder the whole time. She had to be the bigger person and show her that she wasn't as immature as her.

The man explained the rules how you have to try capture all the other teams' flags without getting hit. And shortly after he blew the whistle.

The brunette sprinted for her life. Paintballs were being shot from all directions. She was too scared to capture a flag or stay out there for any longer so she kept running until she approached a small building. She was pretty sure it was a bathroom. She opened the door and barged in. She immediately froze as she saw the blonde sitting comfortably on the toilet lighting a cigarette. Madison looked up at her and went to get out but Zoe stopped her.

'Madison wait! We need to talk.' Zoe realised this was her chance.

'Talk about what? I'm happy, you're happy, there's nothing that needs to be discussed.' The shorter girl responded with her lips trembling.

'Well I am the opposite of fucking happy and you know that something needs to be discussed because you know you have thrown me away like I am some piece of trash. I have done NOTHING to you Madison. I have done abso-fucking-lutely NOTHING to deserve this treatment!' Zoe raised her voice which made the blonde fearful.

The brunette waited for a response but did not get one. Madison gave her one last glance before she turned to the right stall wall and puffed out smoke. Zoe did not mean for what happened next to happen but her anger had become uncontrollable. She slapped the movie star across her face. Hard. She deserved it. She had made all this wrath store up in Zoe over the past few weeks.

'Madison, you can't just give up on us like this. I loved you. And I can't help but still love you even though you are such a goddamn stone cold bitch. At least tell me what I did wrong.' Tears welled up in the taller girl's eyes.

'The truth is I was in love with you. You are the most gorgeous person I have ever laid my eyes on. I only hooked up with Bee that night because you barely made any moves on me but you seemed like you loved Kyle. Then when you guys came out of the cupboard with lipstick smudged I made it my mission to make you just as jealous as you made me with Kyle.' Madison blurted all the information out with speed and gulped with guilt.

'Madison I- Kyle and I were just friends, and we still are! I only kissed Kyle in that closet because I was so upset about what you and Bee had done in there. It was only for a few seconds and I pulled away because I loved you, not him. I was just filled with jealousy when you walked out that door unable to walk because of how good Bee was at kissing and all that other stu...'

'I guess we'll have to see if you're any good too.' Madison interrupted her before leaning into a kiss.

Zoe was speechless. Her first actually romantic kiss with the person she loved so very much!
The blonde was such a great kisser too. She kissed Zoe's bottom lip while Zoe kissed her upper lip. Her lips were wet and tasted like Burt's Bees Chapstick. Madison ran her finger through her brunette hair. She definitely knew what she was doing. The movie star unzipped her jacket.

'Uh sorry Madison I don't think I'm ready yet and I kinda don't want my first time to be in a deserted old manky bathroom.' Zoe laughed nervously.

'Of course, I'd never pressure you into anything you don't want to do.' The blonde smiled.

So they kept kissing. They kissed for what seemed like forever. As the bell went off signalling the end of the game, Madison finally pulled away giving Zoe one more peck on the lips before walking off with her cigarette in her hand.

A/N: hey guysss I hope you liked this chapter finally Zadison has kissed!!! Let me know what you think in comments and please vote :))

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