Chapter One <33

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Zoe carefully folded up her freshly ironed clothes into her proportional suitcase. She slipped on her brand new black jumpsuit and struggled to reach round to zip it up. She gazed at her check list to see if there was anything missing.

'Three pairs of shoes- my sports shoes, my slides and my high heels. Check. Fourteen tops. Check. Fourteen pairs of pants. Check. Fourteen different bras. Check. Fourteen pairs of underwear. Check. Marshmallows. Check. Chocolate. Check. Pillows and blankets. Check. Instant Noodles. Check. Toiletries. Check. Dresses and jumpsuits. Check. Five different bikinis. Check. Jewellery and accessories. Check. Posters and room decor. Check. Electronics and chargers. Check.' Zoe continued going through her list.

She sluggishly walked into the kitchen and whipped up a batch of scones. She spread jam across them and plopped some whip cream in the middle.

'Moms I'm ready to go when you are!' Zoe shouted out.

'Okay sweetie, we'll leave in ten minutes.' Cordelia called out.

Zoe sat down at the marble bench and munched on her freshly-made scones while messaging all her friends explaining she would have limited time to talk to them during the next six weeks. She rinsed her dishes once she was done and loaded them into the dishwasher. She dragged her suitcases and bags into the car and slipped on her converse shoes that she had been gifted for her 16th birthday. Shortly after, Cordelia and Misty walked towards the car holding hands.

'Got everything darlin'?' Misty questioned.

'Yep.' Zoe smiled softly.

'The camp should only be about an hours drive away.' Cordelia buckled her seatbelt.

Zoe reached into her coach purse for her AirPods and put them on. She went onto her Netflix downloads and resumed her episode of Grey's Anatomy. While she watched, she got out a piece of grape gum and put it in her mouth. She rolled her chapstick around her lips and rubbed her top and bottom lip together.

Before she knew it, they had arrived at the camp. Cordelia tried her best to manoeuvre around the people scattered everywhere. The chaotic environment they had just driven into trigged Zoe's anxiety. How many people were there here? Zoe hadn't expected this much! Plus, it looked like everyone already had friends. Who did she have? Nobody.

Cordelia found a parking spot and helped Zoe with her baggage. Zoe hopped out of the car and bit her lip. She didn't know what to do or where to go. Her taller mother rubbed her back reassuringly noticing the fear in her daughter's eyes. Misty stayed seated in the car as she loathed massive crowds. Zoe walked towards her.

'I love you so much Mom.' Zoe whispered before diving into a tight hug.

She pulled away leaving Misty with slight tears.

'I love you too my little cookie.' Zoe laughed with tears when Misty mentioned her nickname she had had ever since she was little.

Zoe pecked her mother on the head and closed her car door quietly. She reached for her other mother's hand and sluggishly strolled to the reception right at the front.

The camp had a massive centre with halls leading off towards different cabins. The line was long and Zoe could see people filling out forms.

After about a fifteen minute wait they reached the front.

'Hello beautiful, what's your name?' A sweet looking lady with frizzy blonde hair asked.

'Oh my god stop hitting on the campers. The way you talk to the girls sounds totally lesbi-gay.' A small blonde girl looked up from her phone.

The girl was sitting behind the sweet looking lady with a sour look on her face. She was the most beautiful girl Zoe had ever seen. Her thin, blonde, straight hair looked soft and shiny. Zoe stared into her stunning green eyes and got lost in them.

'Quit staring.' The small blonde girl snapped.

'Madison show some respect. And just because I'm not your real mother doesn't mean you can't show me some too.' The older woman growled. 'Now what was your name darling?'

'Zoe- Zoe Benson.' Zoe smiled.

The gorgeous girl- who Zoe had now found out was named Madison- rolled her eyes. The older woman traced her finger along a few pages.

'Perfect! You're in the same cabin as Madison. I'll get your mom to fill out these forms while she shows you to it.'

Zoe waited for Madison to move but she didn't.

'MADISON NOW!' The woman had lost it.

The blonde hesitantly got up with fear in her eyes. Zoe gave Cordelia a big hug and a kiss on the cheek and said her final goodbyes. She picked up all her things with a struggle and followed Madison.

'So I haven't seen you here before. Are you new?' Madison questioned.

'Yeah I am.'

'Thought so. All the times I've come here I've never seen someone as hot as you. You're face is a face so beautiful I'd always remember. I'd totally rail you.' Madison smirked.

'Uh thanks?? I guess I would too if I was a boy.' Zoe replied.

Madison came to a stop.

'Oh shut up Zoe that's literally the gayest thing I've ever heard.' Madison laughed. 'I would hook up with you if I was a guy.' She mocked her.

Zoe glanced back up at her shyly. Well maybe Madison did give her a bit of fruity panic. But she just shrugged the thoughts off. They kept walking.

'Ta da.' Madison said sarcastically as she aggressively opened the door.

The room was had four sets of bunk beds. There were pairs of them that were pushed together. The room was very plain so far, as only one other person had unpacked their belongings.

'So where is my bed?' Zoe asked.

'Anywhere but I would prefer if you came next to me over here.' Madison went towards the set of bunk beds in the right corner of the room and dumped all of her stuff on the bed.

Zoe started to unpack her belongings into the set of draws next to her and make her bed while Madison ruffled through her bag for a cigarette and lit it with her black lighter.

'Given the choices around here it looks like you're my new best friend.' Madison announced.

'Best friend'

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