*War Flashback* pt. 4

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I had to do Camp Pica. Okay? It is bae. BAE. Also, it's skylox. So like, EVEN MORE BAEEEEE. Also, this first chapter was sad as fuck omfg.
So enjoy this, I guess.
*Spoilers??? Duh* (quite a few, don't read if you haven't read Camp Pica)
"What is wrong with you?!" "You aren't our son!" "YOU CHANGED!" "I'm sorry, but we can't be friends anymore.." "Something's wrong with you!"

Nothing is wrong with me.


He sighed softly and stared at his bedroom floor silently. The words everyone ever said to him flowing through his mind.

I loved the writing in this fanfic I just *happy screaming*

"You're too young to know!" Oh but he knew perfectly well. "It's just a phase!" This is not a phase. Nor will it ever be.

Tbh, I wrote my thoughts towards this topic. I'm not to young to now and this is not a phase.

His breathing slowed slightly as he heard footsteps coming up the stairs. He closed his eyes tightly, hoping this was all just some dumb, stupid dream.


But is wasn't.


Whoever the person was knocked on his door hard. He prayed that it was his mom. "Get out here now! The bus will be here soon!" It wasn't. He slowly opened his eyes and walked over to his bed. He grabbed his bag and sighed softly. He bit his lip slightly and stared around his room. "I'll never see this place again." He muttered to himself and slowly walked over to his door.

You'll see it again, you little shit. But hey, he thinks he's gonna die at that camp do rip.

He opened it, just to see his dad standing in front of him. His dad narrowed his eyes at him, his face showing digust. He stared at him for a moment before walking past him and downstairs. He heard his dad mumble something and he bit the inside of his cheek, he hated that word.

Same. Adam. So that's why I made his dad mumble it like that I hate gay slurs. Just, ew. No.

He walked towards the door and opened it. He looked back into his house and bit his lip. "So much for having a loving, caring family." He mumbled and walked outside, closing the door behind him.

*grabs popcorn*

He walked up to the sidewalk and stopped, the bus was suppose to pick him up in front of his house. He stared up and down his street slowly, a couple people on there front lawns, talking happily. A few stared at him, whispering to each other. Rumors have spread through his neighborhood about him, about where he was going and just about him. Almost none were true. Almost.

"Yo I heard he is sucking off the football captain." "Really? I heard, he's secretly banging the new male teacher." I JUST RUINED THE SADNESSSS

A few were true, about him and where he was going. It was the middle of summer and his freedom was being taken away. His freedom to be a normal teenage.

*starts blasting the song 'The Kids Aren't Alright.'*

It's gone. He sighed softly, hoping one of his friends would change there minds and come help him. To save him. But no, he stood alone on the sidewalk, no one was gonna come and help him. He glanced up the street, seeing a bus driving down it. It was driving towards him. "No." He whispered, hoping this wasn't true.


But it was. The bus stopped in front of him and the door whipped open. "Adam Dahlbeg?" The man driving the bus said. "Uh, yeah?" he said quietly. "Get on." The man grumbled and looked forward.

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