Let's talk about this

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'This' is the media, which is currently my lockscreen.
I didn't draw the picture, oh god no, I made the.. edit?
But I love it. God I love it.
Mostly cause, it's Adventure Time and Bubbline. The OTP man. And they're canon so slay.
Okay kind of canon. The writer did say they were dating but couldn't make it canon in the show cause Cartoon Network would pull it off TV and blah blah blah. Poopy.
But yeah. I have gay girls as my lockscreen. And the Princess Peach as my home screen. Why? I don't know. Maybe because she's bae.

i wonder if anyone honestly thinks I'm straight. Like, lockscreen is two gay af girls, homescreen is a girl, icon on.. everything but kik is a girl.. Guys I'm hella bi. No wait, people do think I'm straight. My parents do. Eh, they kind of do. My one sister thinks I'm bicurious. Well, surprise surprise.

Also; I'm asexual as hell. I've said to my parents I find sex gross but they have no idea. Ace 4 lyfe mofos. Any of y'all asexual as well? Where are my aces at?!

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