Listen to this okay

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It's called 'Spectrum' by BoyInABand, featuring Cryaotic and RPGMinx.

It's about coming out and it's beautiful. It talks about how maybe you should wait unless you think they won't attack you, etc. The message is beautiful and Dave (BoyInABand) has made some amazing music, this being one of them.

When Minx/Michelle sings, it talks about a girl loving another girl but her family would freak if they found out. For those who don't know/watch Minx, she was recently married to a beautiful girl named Krism (KrismPro on YouTube) and Krism went through something like what Minx is singing about.

When Cry/Ryan is singing, it talks about a boy who loves people, no matter the pronouns. It also talks about how he would get more hurt if he did come out. (I'm guessing it's about a pansexual. Which is what Cry actually is) My favourite lyric is "Online, he was everything he wanted but real life wouldn't let him be as honest." Cause I can relate to that so well.

Just, listen to the song. It's such a beautiful song. With an amazing message.
Also, a very catchy song. I have memorized all of the lyrics

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