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T W E L V E:

Taylor and I stood at Odell's front door, knocking on it. I was here to tell Odell about the pregnancy, and bitch didn't trust me to be by myself. If I was by myself, I would never go back to her crazy ass, but that isn't the case.

The door opened, revealing this woman with wild curls in her hair, and she only had on a big t-shirt which belonged to Odell. I started to the of the worst immediately and just ran back to the car. When I got into the street, a car swerved on it too, making me freeze. The bright lights filled my eyes and the honking horn filled my ears. I couldn't move. As I closed my eyes, I felt muscular arms wrap around me and pull me back.

We both fell back in some grass as I started to hyperventilate.

"Calm down, Alizae."

I looked up, and saw Odell cradling me in his arms. I cried in his chest, and he just let me. Taylor and the lady were no longer at the door, and it was closed.

"I-is that your girlfriend?"

He didn't say anything, he just looked at me.

"How long?"

"That ain't my girl, ma. Come on." He helped me up to my feet.

"So who is she!" I yelled.

He laughed, grazing his beard. "A friend. She just been chillin here for a minute."

I squinted my eyes and cocked my head to the side, not believing him.

"Chilling?" I asked.

He nodded. "Chillin."

I looked down at my feet. "So have ya'll...? You know..."

When he smirked, my breathing got heavy and my chest started to rise and fall rapidly.

"Nah, we ain't do allat. I found out what her mouf do though."

I started to swinging and hitting at his chest after he said that.

What the fuck? He really thought all of this was funny when it was not at all. I should kill her, then kill Odell with her dead body. He grabbed my hands, stopping me and pulled me into his chest. I listened to his heart beat softly, which calmed me down.

"You know you got some heavy hands, I don't know why you be just throwin them shits around." I laughed at his comment, pushing him off me.

I looked up into his eyes while he looked down in mine. We were both smiling. Are we having a moment right now?

All of the commotion made me forget the real reason I came here. That's when I got nervous all over again. I broke away from his gaze and removed his arms from around me. My smile dropped, and his did too.

"What's wrong now?"

I sighed, trying to find the right way to put it. Damn, I don't know what I'm struggling with. All I have to say is 'I'm pregnant'. That's all, but I'm just making everything difficult. And my racing heart is adding on to it.

"Odell, I'm..."

"Pregnant. I know that."

My eyes widened. How did he know? I looked down at my stomach. I'm only a couple weeks, so I'm not showing at all. I'm confused.

"How did you know?"

"That crazy bitch you showed up wit. She crazy as hell man."

It got quiet, then his head popped up. "Oh shit!" he took off towards his house.

"What?" I followed him. Well I tried. I'm not as fast as him, so when I turned he was damn near at the door.

"She in my house with Bri. I don't know what the hell she doing."

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