68. the last part

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"Hey Sofia, wait up" my brother yelled after me as I was already walking towards the door. We had somehow managed to get through the dinner both me and my mum sitting in the table. I wasn't ready to face her just yet and I didn't really want to, the way she had spoken everything and everyone I loved had been too much for me.

"Hey, what's up?"

"I just wanted to check up on you and talk to you before you leave" he seemed a bit bothered.

"Yeah, okay" I nodded and we grabbed out coats stepping outside in the cold air.

"Look, I know you think that I am team mum all the way" he sighed. "But I really am not, I know where she is coming from but I don't agree with her. She loves you but she doesn't understand you. I do. I think it's awesome that you did that test and if it was up to me you would do so many more. I had always admired you, you were so talented and even though mum might have thought that you weren't good enough or would say that karting was waste of money and time, we would always sneak out with dad to see you race." Viktor looked sad but I could tell he had some good memories.

"She didn't let you watch me racing? But I she always said that you had watched every race together when I came to visit" It really did sting a bit.

"Yeah, racing was a very much forbidden subject in the house, she didn't want to lose anyone else to it I guess. She loved Mick, but hated the Schumacher family because you always talked about them so highly, still do and yeah, it was hard on her, but the way she treated you today was too much. I just wanted you to know that I'm really proud of you and have always been" he smiled to me sadly.

"Thanks, I know that" I said pulling him into a hug.

"So Italy huh?"

"Yeah, you need to come and visit, you would love it there" I smiled to my older brother.

"I will, so when are you leaving?" he looked a bit more worried and I think he had a hunch that I wouldn't be sticking around much longer.

"In two days, I'm gonna visit Mick and his family for sometime and then I'm off to Dubai with Lando and his friends and I think I'm going to fly straight to Italy from there after all that" I nodded with a sad smile. "I'm sorry"

"Hey don't be, I think it's a good for you two keep some distance for a while and it's not like we've been seeing each other that much before, so I think we're gonna be just fine"

"Yeah, okay, I love you" I told him before I left and he went back inside. I found Lando who was freezing next to our car as I had the keys.

"I hate cold" he mumbled as I opened the doors and we got in.

"I don't" I pointed out.

"Yeah, but you're crazy" he pointed out and I let our a little laugh. Then he got more serious. "Are you okay?" he asked me as I was starting the steering wheel in front of me.

I wasn't really sure how I was feeling after the brutally honest chat with my mum. Lando had no idea what she had said to me but I was guessing he had gotten the fact that it wasn't too pleasant out of my body language. But to my surprise I felt okay, I felt free.

"I think I am" I finally nodded my head. "I mean it was a bit hurtful, but I feel like finally there is no fake smiles and all that between us, I know how she feels about the way I have lived my life and I finally know that she really does hate everything motorsport related including me. But finally she admitted it and I'm finally aware of that" I tried to come up with something smart to say, but didn't really make much sense after all.

"I'm just happy that there is no secrets between us and that she was finally honest about how she feels" I summarised my thoughts.

"Okay" Lando smiled at me. "If you say so"

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