𝓟𝓪𝓻𝓽 𝓣𝔀𝓮𝓷𝓽𝔂 𝓢𝓲𝔁

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"A... record store?" Marlene asked suspiciously.

"Is that one of those music stores that Sirius is always rambling on about?" Estelle asked, her eyes lighting up with excitement.

"Yes! We are actually going to the one he strongly recommended to me..." She said, shaking her head and laughing. "It's fairly close to the West End too.. So I guess we could just hang around in that area." Lily said casually.

Marlene smirked at her, twirling her finger through a lock of hair. "Canada sure does put out some cute blokes, hey Lil?"

"Shut it, Mar." Lily said rolling her eyes.

"Oh! That reminds me.. What was Nate asking Marlene?" Estelle asked, tucking one of her legs up.

"Oh, he wanted her telephone number. So he could call her."

"He wants to call me..? On a telephone? Why?" Marlene asked, biting her lip nervously.

"Thats what muggle boys do when they are interested in a girl." Lily said, pulling the brown bag of pastries out of her bag and handing them out.

Estelle thanked her, taking the pastry. "But Marlene doesn't have a telephone."

"Yeah! What am I supposed to say to him?" She asked with wide eyes.

"You have to erm.. avoid the question.. Or give him a fake number."

"Well fuck, he was a cute one too... You don't suppose muggles could send owls?"


"I don't think that was a very good idea man." Jonathon said, leaving the coffee shop behind Nate and Calvin.

"What do ya mean?" Nate asked, running a hand through his hair with a grin.

"What do I mean? I mean us inviting those muggle girls to a band performance with a bunch of witches and wizards!"

"Oh, muggles are oblivious to magic around them. They will have no clue what is going on, besides, we will be playing a load of muggle music for a small underground scene of wizarding fans tonight." Nate said, rolling his eyes. "Its not like we will be spouting off about hippogriffs."

"Still, we have to be careful. We don't want to freak them out." Calvin added.

"Really man? Come on, we do this all the time! We have loads of muggle friends that have no idea what is going on." Nate said, shoving his hands in his coat pocket.

"Whatever you say.." Jonathon muttered under his breath.

"Let's just catch this damn train."


"Okay Lil, what should we expect from this shop?" Marlene asked, suspiciously eyeing the front of the shop. It was a small building on the corner of a busy street, the front was painted a vibrant orange and covered in weathered posters of small band jigs and theatre performances.

"Grooveyard Records?" Estelle said with a giggle, staring up at the big multi coloured sign slightly above the door. Marlene looked up at the sign, joining in with the laugh.

"Yes, Grooveyard Records." Lily said, looking over her shoulder at the girls with a smile that she soon dropped once she saw them giggling. "Oh, don't be prats. I am quite fond of this place." Lily's eyes shifted to Estelle. "So is Sirius ." She added with a smirk.

Estelle rolled her eyes, following Lily towards to entrance. "Mhm, am I supposed to care?" She asked with a straight face.

"I mean, we all saw that kiss last night Stella." Marlene said from behind them.

"That was nothing." Estelle said through gritted teeth, shutting the topic down. She loosened the tight scarf around her neck as they stepped into the shop through the red front door.

A bell overhead tinkled, and the shop keeper greeted them with a pretty smile, she had long dark hair and very straight white teeth.

The shop was filled with long counter like compartments, they were filled with large square packages all decorated with bright pictures. Estelle followed Lily deeper into the store, Marlene trailed behind as she grinned and waved at the now giggling shop keeper.

Estelle ran her fingers along the rows, they moved smoothly over the dusty packages. Lily was up the aisle a couple of feet, eagerly flicking through the packages like she was looking through a stack of paper.

"Are you looking for something specific?" Estelle asked, as she peered over her friends shoulder.

"Yes-Ah, here it is!" Lily said with a squeal, lifting a package up and pressing it against her chest.

"I suppose these are the records then, yeah?" Marlene asked as she approached the girls, jabbing her thumb in the direction of the colourful packages.

"Yes, and I have one that I cannot wait for you to hear." Lily said with a smile.

"A-B-B-A" Marlene asked with a raised eyebrow.

"ABBA, one word." Lily said, motioning the girls towards a machine that Estelle recognized from Lilys room.

She carefully pulled a circular piece of plastic from within the package and laid it gently on the machine. Marlene and Estelle watched silently as she moved pieces of the machine, and then pressed a button.

Music flooded the space, it was quick paced and sounded amazing. Estelle grinned at Lily, who nodded her head. Even Marlene had nothing bad to say as the music played on, all of them sitting in happy silence while it played.

Of All The Stars: Sirius BlackWhere stories live. Discover now