𝓟𝓪𝓻𝓽 𝓣𝓱𝓲𝓻𝓽𝓮𝓮𝓷

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He wasn't lying when he said there was a ticket and all of her belongings packed, they were waiting by the door of her bedroom. The pair of Lily's jeans and the Quidditch jumper was laid out for her, and she happily changed out of the restricting silk.

Estelle took her time to change and collect her things, she very much wanted to get out of that house... But she had no idea where exactly to go. She hadn't received any letters from her friends, so she wasn't exactly sure where to go to see them.. She could go stay in that pub in London?

She went to grab her bag, the shock was starting to wear off and she realized what had just happened. Her Father had kicked her out of the house. She wasn't just going to visit friends, and she had no where to live.

He had really told her to leave, and even bought her a train ticket. It was in her hands... she was looking down at it. This was her banishment, but also her ticket to freedom. If her family truly had gone dark, she wanted no part if it. But if there was even the slightest possibility that her family wasn't in their right mind, she would feel horrible for leaving them.

But she had to do it, there was no way for her to stay... So she picked up the old handle of the leather suitcase, which was nearly weightless even though it contained almost all of her belongings, and started to make her way through the halls.

They were lifeless, and cold. No sound could be heard through the entire home, except the tapping of Estelles feet on the marble floors. Their polished surfaces glimmering sadly in the candle light.

Estelle looked down as she walked, her reflection a blurry blob. That was how she felt right now, like a blurry blob being pulled in all different directions. She had no where to go, no way to contact her friends, and a family who doesn't even want to say goodbye.

She looked over her shoulder one more time, she had her hand resting reluctantly on the gold door handle. The huge entry way to the house was dark, and empty. She had no chance to say goodbye to her Mother, or anyone else really... She wished she could just stay. Before she could think about it anymore, Estelle clicked the latch on the handle and left the house.

The December breeze blew lightly on her face as she stood in the front garden, the glow of headlights waited for her a bit down the cobblestone driveway. The night sky was black and dotted with sparkling stars, Estelle looked up at it, remembering how this was her favourite part of her home.

But she was no longer home.. She didn't have a home.

She sucked back the tears at the thought of it, not wanting to let her emotions make this anymore real then it already was. She would just go to the station, take the train to London... And figure it out from there.

She approached the ministry vehicle waiting outside, and opened the back door. When she got in, the man looked in his mirror. They made eye contact, but no words were spoken. He nodded and started to drive to the train station.

Clearly her Father had already directed him on where to take Estelle, so she just closed her eyes and laid her head against the window.

The thoughts of the night, and where on earth she would go now were bouncing around her head as if her very skull was on fire. She squeezed her eyes tighter, gripping the sides on her hair.

This was insane, within 24 hours she had lost the respect and love of her Family, she had lost her home, and she had no way of contacting any of her friends for help.

I mean.. maybe once she gets back to school someone will let her stay with them for the summer.. But that means she will have to explain everything to her friends.

Did she want them all to know her parents turned dark? What would they think of her now? Would they even want to be around her anymore.

Her family hated Lily and her parents, James's Dad was out fighting against the dark arts... Sirius's family might like her though, they are just like Estelles.

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