𝒫𝒶𝓇𝓉 𝒯𝓌𝑒𝓃𝓉𝓎 𝒩𝒾𝓃𝑒

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***Trigger Warning: Mention of Abuse.***

Kings Cross Station was busy. Filled with many muggles and magical folk alike, everyone trying to get back to school and work after the holidays. Among them was Lily, Marlene and Estelle bidding goodbye to Lily's parents.

"Don't forget to write Lily, dear." Jane said to Lily, pulling her in for their third hug.

"Now, now Janey." Edward said with a hearty chuckle, patting his wife's shoulder. "She will only be gone until June, you mustn't smother her."

Jane rolled her eyes at him, placing both of her hands on each side of Lilys head and kissing her on the forehead. She said her last goodbye and bid the other girls goodbye as well. Waving them off until they reached the barrier and slipped through it.

Estelle smiled to herself, taking in the view of the platform as it filled with engine steam. It was nice to live in the muggle world for a couple days... But it was nothing like this. The magic all around you, the sound, the feeling of it.

It was so powerful and so comforting to Estelle, and she knew by the brightness of Lily's eyes and that s.

"Well! If it isn't my most favourite girls." Came a familiar cheeky voice from somewhere behind them.

Estelle turned around to find James standing there with his unnaturally messy hair, and hands lazily in his pockets. He grinned at them, winking at Lily.

"Good to see you Evans." He said, his voice full of sincerity.

"The pleasure is all yours." Her voice on the other hand, filled with sarcasm.

James chuckled, opening his arms in Estelles direction. "Come on Blondie, give us a hug!"

Estelle laughed, walking over to him and wrapping her arms around him. He seized her waist and gave her a quick spin.

"James, you're acting as if I didn't see you only a few days ago! Estelle said, swatting his shoulder. 

"I wouldn't want you to forget about me now Stella."

"It's impossible to forget about some one as obnoxious as you." Came Remus's soft voice.

He was leaning against a support column a couple feet away, wrapped in a very plain but warm looking sweater. The bags under his eyes had deepened since she had seen him last, but he still worn the same kind smile.

"Hello Remus." Estelle said, wrapping him in a hug. She held on a bit longer than she needed too, and she could tell her appreciated it. 

"Where is Peter and Sirius?" Remus asked, letting go of Estelle and giving her a quick smile.

He greeted everyone else as he waited for an answer.

James shrugged, looking around him. "I swear he was just here a few minutes ago, he probably had to go talk to the old bag." He said with a scowl.

Estelle figured James meant Sirius's mother, who she understood was a very foul women. Estelle glanced around herself, disappointed that Sirius wasn't there. She spotted Peter, who was wandering over to them with his guitar strung behind his back, and his bag in hand. But there was no sign of Sirius.

Peter joined the group, and everyone chatted about the last few days of their break, before deciding to go off towards the train.

"We will either see him on the way there, or Sirius will know where to find us." Lily said, ushering us towards the train.

James and Estelle walked at the head of the group, discussing the muggle technology that Lily had. James listened with wide eyes as Estelle explained the television and the underground system. They walked for a few minutes, and just as they were reaching the door that led to the larger compartments, they spotted Sirius. 

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