𝓟𝓪𝓻𝓽 𝓣𝓮𝓷

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The embarrassment of the date had slowly worn off as winter break rolled around, and the occasion that Estelle and Stephen would run into each other in the common room or after a match had become a lot less awkward. The two had apologized, and talked about the circumstances of the date shortly after it had happened, but they hadn't talked since.

Much to the pleasure of James and Sirius, who say they "never liked him anyway". Plus with Stephen starting his NEWTS next year, he was leaving the quidditch team and they wouldn't have to see him anymore.

Estelles mind hadn't been on boy's though, she had been dwelling on the upcoming trip back home. Hogwarts had unexpectedly become a release for her, a place to be truly herself and she didn't have to hide behind a elegance or grace. She could be wild, and sarcastic, she was allowed to make jokes... and her friends would laugh.

She was shining bright, and going back home felt like she was being snuffed. Her friends had noticed it too, she appeared duller than usual, similar to when they had first met her- She was acting small, closing up again.

Estelle hadn't received nor sent a single letter back home. She had been thinking of what to say to her parents, and to Adeline the whole time she packed her travel trunk. She sorted through her best outfits, the ones she hadn't worn the entire time she was at Hogwarts. Picking up a blouse, she ran her hands across the green silk. Her Mother had bought her this, entirely under the impression she would be placed in Slytherin. But she hadn't... And how were they supposed to talk about the fact she hadn't?

The little silver buttons shone in the bright winter light, reflecting against her cheeks. Estelle closed her eyes and took a deep breath, before placing the blouse back in the trunk that would stay at school, buried deep at the bottom. It was never going to be worn.

As she latched the trunk and turned to pull it down the stairs to the common room, she was met by Lily's smiling face. Her smile was soft, and light and it seemed to alway's release the tension off of the people around her. Estelle felt herself relax, taking a few steps closer to Lily.

"I don't want to go Lils." Estelle said, her normally silk voice cracking.

"I know Stella... but it's only for two weeks. We will write all the time, it will be like you aren't even there." Lily tried to smile at her friend, giving her shoulder a comforting squeeze.

Estelle placed her hand on top of Lily's, squeezing it softly. She felt more at home and with her family now than she ever would when she leaves.

The common room was almost empty, just their friends waiting for them to come down so they could all go to the carriages. As Estelle came around the corner from the stairwell she looked at the group all huddled on the sofas, and a smile found its way to her lips. She scanned across them, James was animatedly talking to Peter, Marlene, and Remus (who was only half listening as he read a book). Alice was talking softly to Frank, their hands intertwined.

Her eyes finally landed on Sirius, who was looking right back at her. His expression was soft and sad, as if he knew that she longed to stay here rather than go back home. Even if it was only for two weeks.

He did know, he fully understood as well. Sirius was the disappointment of the Black family, he never fit in to their pureblood ideologies or their ancient traditions. His family thought they were better than everyone else, just because they were part of what people called The Sacred 28. Which was 28 Pureblood families, who had full magical blood all the way down the line.

Rubbish if you asked him, bunch of inbred-

"Why the glum face Sirius?" Estelle asked with a smile, she had made her way over to the chair he was sitting on and perched on the arm rest, breaking him from his thoughts.

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