Chapter 3

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'Augh...I can't sleep...'

Ley lay down on the floor with her parent sleeping on their queen-size bed. Ley was still paranoid about what happened at the academy and feared that they would come into her room while she was asleep. Ley wanted to open up the situation about the event but she knew her older brother wouldn't believe it and didn't want to risk scaring Terin her little stepbrother.

'Are they supernatural beings?.... I need some water.'

In the house of the Hyun, where their parent's remarried one another not wanting to leave their young child's motherless/fatherless, having the two oldest children get past the awkward moment where they don't know how to act towards their new sibling.

Elio being the oldest, Ley the middle and the only child from her father, and Terin who is later born after the two got remarried and is 2 years younger than Ley.

Ley stealthy managed to not wake up her snoring parents, almost closing the door behind her so she could open it again when she's done drinking water. Ley sighed in relief but fear crawl up to her back when she heard something drop in the kitchen.

'Did someone break in?'

In instinct, Ley grabs her brother bat near the trophy case ready to swing it who tries to attack her. Sneaking in the kitchen to see a shadowy figure in the dark. Her hand began to shake from fright but gulping all of it down before turning on the lights and was about to swing the baseball bat but saw who it was sneaking in the kitchen.


"Ah!..oh..sis. oh my lord, you almost scare- and are you planning to beat me up with brother's baseball bat?!"

"Shhh, keep it down, your gonna wake up mom and dad, you how cranky they get whenever one of us sneak down at night. Anyways, what are you doing here?"

"I should be asking you to sis."

"Now what the hell are you two doing in the kitchen at this hour?"

They jerked their head to the side to see the oldest Elio standing beside the door. The three not knowing what to do or say just stood in place while giving each other an awkward stare.

"I made noodles," Terin commented showing a pot half full of noodles.



"I was just here to get water but never mind," Ley commented taking a bite if the noodles Terin made.

"Never thought our first instinct was to eat noodle Terin cooked instead of explaining what you too are doing here?" Elio replied taking another bite.

"I wanted water/I was hungry," Ley and Terin said in sync.

Elio let out a "hm" and continuing eating, that's when something slip in his mind to remind his sibling something.

"The festival will start on Thursday, till then, me and the other members of Council will have to prepare the school area for the games, food, clubs and all. I'm sure you too got something else to do with your club."

"Are there any hunted house brother?" Terin asked.

"Yes. And what do you guys think of slave auctions?"

"Say what-" Ley unexpectedly choke on the noodle at Elio question.

"Huh??" Terin asked.

"It's not my idea, the guys from Kuoh academy managed to convince the council to add a slave auction where girls bid on guys to date, something like that."

"Man....wonder if you join there Eli, you'll be rich aha." Ley stated crisping the word 'rich' at the end.

"The money goes to charity. oh yeah. Ley, what were you saying that you want to quit the photo club?" Elio reminded Ley about the words she said to him before going to bed.

"Oh... well I don't think that taking pictures is my passion anymore so I'm leaving the club and going to maybe join the art club," Ley stated but in truth, she just doesn't want to go back again to Kuoh academy and meet the supernatural species.

"Mhm, well we have a problem. You can't join any of the clubs yet because of the festival preparation going on, but don't worry, I will immediately sign you in art club once the festival is finished, till then you can maybe help out with the preparation with others or-"

"Yeah, of course, I'll help out with the preparation, just sign me out of the photography for now." Ley butted in her answer taking Elio off the guard for a moment.

"Also, can I have one more request, Eli?"

"What is it?" Elio question.

"Can I not.....attend the festival?"

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