Chapter 29

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"And before you say no-"

"Yeah sure." I grabbed the icecream cone from Mark's hands. The chocolate had already melted, flowing patiently and marking a brown line down the chestnut coloured cone.

"Yes? You will go to the party yes?" he repeated in a louder vice with his pupils dilated double than normal.

"Yeah why not."


The black liquid highlighted the part of my face I liked the most, my eyes. I always loved how they were not completely blue nor completely green. A mixture of my mom and dad's.
The rouge contoured my cheeks and the fuscia animated my lips. Too much?

'Where are you going?" mom said, looking at me from above her glasses. She looked stressed, maybe because of the thousand finance papers that covered the entire table.

"A party."

"When will you start being productive?" She sighed.

"Maybe I should start being productive now and walk out the door"
I knew that my response was a little too mean but honestly, after the week I've had I couldn't give a shit about being productive.

My mother had been quite supportive since I told her about Dave, but you see she's not there yet. The bitter is still in her and even though she tries, it's more or less the same.
But the thing that has changed is me because now, it bothers me less because I think more of myself.


"I don't believe my eyes. Is this Coraline fucking Rae?" Mark said almost screaming, trying to make himself audible over the weird party music in the background. "You actually came."

"Mark, babe." gwen emerged from within the crowd, lugging her arm over Mark's shoulder, "Hey cora. You came." She gleamed and threw herself at me.

"Yeah." I chuckled patting her back.

"5 cups." Mark signaled.

"Excuse me guys, I am gonna go get myself some beer." I made my way through the crowd of teenagers laughing and dancing with their hands up in the air, having the time of their lives. I still couldn't understand why they were so happy but earlier when I used to walk past these kids, my eyes would remain stuck to floor. Maybe I wasn't strong enough to face them, look into their joyful eyes without being remineded of my numb eyes. But now, after so long, I looked around and even though I found them to be stupid for being this happy, I couldn't help but smile.

"Hi can you move? I need beer." I tapped on the shoulder of the guy who was standing in front of me, completely blocking the fridge.

"Sure, sorry." He turned around.

"Stacys brother, right?" I exclaimed.

"Coraline. Hi" he awkwardly tried to hug me.

After looking at each other uncomfortably for five seconds, I finally said, "I am sorry for acting so coldly the last time we met. It was a bad day."

"I am sorry for saying the stuff I said. I mean I don't even know why I said that." He nervously rubbed the back of neck.

"I get it."

"I was trying to flirt and I get like really nervous around pretty girls, so I end up saying shit."

Flirt? I widened my eyes and gave him a smile,

"Fuck I shouldn't have said that."

"Hey its okay." I chuckled. "I need to go though sorry but it was really nice meeting you properly." I nodded as he shyly replied, "Bye."

I joined Mark and Gwen and a bunch of people I didn't know but who seemd to know me. Taking my beer mark whispered, "That guy is so into you."

"Shut up." I grabbed my beer back.


It was almost midnight as I walked down the street to my house. Plugging my earphones, I turned the volume to maximum. I have loved listening music since I was kid but ever so, I used to put only one air pod at a time maybe because I was scared to cut off from the world and actually be alone with the thoughts that music made me feel. I wasn't scared anymore, not as much as before.

I slowly and calmy strolled the empty roads, the sound of nothing but music gave me such comfort, it had been so long. My eyes noticed everthing, how the street lights gave a warm yellow colour to the night and how irregular white light contrasted it perfectly. How the trees had grown out to the road forming canopees and the way the night sky even though completely black , was so lively and colourful.

The best part of my day?
That it was a fucking normal day.


"You still awake Sarah?" I said softly as I caught a glimpse of light beneath the blanket being turned off the moment I enterd my room.


"Wanna watch a movie?"



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