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"Woah! How did you get this book?" Johnny gently grabbed the book Mark was holding, it contains the pictures and some details of Mark's lover. They all went to Mark's house since his dad went on a short business trip, so he's left alone... With his beloved crazy friends.

And of course Yukhei is one of them.

"I got that from the bookstore Yukhei brought me to. I really can't believe that the owner knows Lucas..." After Mark has said that, all of them, including Yukhei ran towards him to take a look at the book. "Really?! Let me see!" Taeyong crawled closer to Mark, wanting to look at the book too. While they are busy looking at Lucas' background, Haechan, sitting beside Yukhei began to poke his arm to get his attention. "Yukhei, are you sure you aren't him?" Haechan wiggled his eyebrows. Yukhei froze at the question, recalling all the dreams that he remembered. "Haechan, please stop that. Don't force him." Haechan pouted as he heard Taeyong scolding him.

"May I see his face, Mark?" Yukhei walked closer to him. Mark gave him the book, letting him check it. "Wow, we look a little too... Identical." Yukhei stared at the old picture in the book, his eyebrows then suddenly met when he saw the three familiar women beside the man who looks just like him. "You know them, right?" Haechan's stubborn face turned to Yukhei, whispering the question that made Yukhei's brain cells shake. "I think I saw them before..."

"Hey hey! Mark said that you saw him in your dreams. If that's okay with you, can you tell us what your dream was about?" Ten, out of curiosity excitedly faced Yukhei, making him slightly jump in surprise. "But of course, no pressure." He then added, trying to calm him down. "Well, it's about... Him being scared of me. Until I got attached, then... We became friends to lovers. And I--" Yukhei stopped, looking at them one by one. "I left without saying a proper goodbye. The last thing I saw was a bright light before I woke up from my coma." That left everyone's jaws drop, the dream that Yukhei once had...

Was the love story between their friend and his non-human lover.

No no no no! This must be a coincidence!

"Mark? You okay?" The worried Johnny slightly shook Mark's shoulders when he noticed him spacing out again. "Y-Yeah... I'm fine." Mark then gave them a reassuring smile, trying his best to avoid Yukhei's gaze. "Y-You know what? Let's just continue this tomorrow, you guys can sleep here too." Everyone agreed except for Yukhei, he has to come back home since he lives alone and thieves might break into his house. "Sorry, but I have to go home. I have to look after my house." Mark actually didn't want him to leave, he doesn't know why but he feels safe around him. "Plus, I don't want to miss the latest update of Demon Slayer."

"You watch that too?!" Ten and Haechan both stood up of their spots, making Yukhei stand up as well. "Yeah!" Yukhei replied, then their conversation continued.

"And they're talking about anime again." Johnny softly sighed, looking at the three who are happily talking about their sources of happiness. "About Yukhei's dream, Mark, what do you think?" That question made him think, is he really Lucas? Or was he a stalker who collected tons of information of Mark in the past few years? "Could he be a stalker?" Mark asked, looking at the two beside him. "That house was so hard to enter, since a bad spirit lived there before... But we don't know." Johnny responded. "But let's not judge him first." He added.

"Yeah, you're right."

"So uh... I'm going home now." They heard Yukhei speak. All of them waved at Yukhei as he headed to the door. "Be careful on your way home." Mark replied. Yukhei then gave him a smile before leaving the room, his eyes are glued to Mark, no one else. "I will. Have a good night, Mark."

"Oh! And to you too guys." He then added when he realized that there are still people in the room, his face turned pink due to the embarrassment he felt when the others gave them a teasing, sarcastic cough. "See you tomorrow?" Yukhei nodded at Mark's question. "Yeah, see you tomorrow." Then, he finally exited the room, leaving them dead silent.

Yukhei sighed as he closed the gates of Mark's house, then started to walk on his way home. "Man, this day sure is tiring..." It did tired him, but he's with Mark the whole day so all of those were worth it. He then stopped at the streetlight, sighing again as he leaned his back on it. "Don't worry woman, I can see you." Yukhei turned to where he felt a presence at, there was indeed a woman beside here, her skin was so pale that you could donate your whole blood to her. "I've seen you for how many times, you can't scare me." The woman remained silent. "Plus, I've been scaring people for how many decades. I even kill them if they're being stubborn" He then sighed again.

"I'm tired of pretending that I don't know who that person was... When in fact...

That guy they were talking about was me."

The ghost woman stared at him, listening to his sudden explosion of his confessions. "On my way to the light, I began to think... Is it right to leave Mark alone? He's a really sensitive person and I don't want him to get hurt every single day because of me. So I decided to go back and find some bodies so that I can be a replacement to their recent souls. I'm really glad that I found one who's very identical to me." He smiled as he recall those memories. "It took years for me to find this, but it was worth it. I found him again. But now, I don't wanna tell him that I am that ghost."

"But you can't have him back if you won't tell him the truth." The woman replied, making Yukhei realize everything he had just said. "Yeah, you're right. I will tell him about it, but this isn't the right time so I'll just stick to my role right now." He smiled. "This is pretty exhausting, I used those memories as dreams. And even asked my new family about what happened to Yukhei. I am pretty good at making stories y'know?"

"Yeah, that was pretty impressive. You two better end up together again, you look cute together." She smiled before vanishing into thin air. Yukhei then chuckled after, it was his first time talking to a ghost in how many years.

He turned away from the streetlight, finally heading to his home to rest.

My Guardian *Demon* #2 <LuMark>Where stories live. Discover now