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"I won't be gone."

"Is it really him? Maybe it's just a coincidence." Mark mumbled as he walked on his way home, we all know that Mark is a rich man, but he doesn't want to look fancy or something. "If it was a coincidence, why did he recognized the locket? How does he know my name? Can he read minds? He even told me that he saw me in his dreams, he looks like Lucas too..." Mark remained looking at his feet as he kept moving forward, not noticing someone walking behind him. "You really should keep your eyes on the road Mark Lee."

"Yo what the-" Mark immediately turned back as he got startled by the voice behind him. "You should've told me that you're following me! I could've died!" He rolled his eyes while rubbing his own chest, the other man just laughed at how overreacting his friend was. "Stop being so overdramatic. By the way, you coming? There's a newly opened cafe right there, and of course, all of us will be there." Mark stopped for a while, planning to call his father that he'll be meeting his friends, but his father has an IQ of 999999 because he called first. "Yes Dad? Oh okay, I'll be meeting with my friends then. Bye." Mark then sighed as he ended the call, looking at his friend with a smile. "Okay I'll come with you Suh."

"Alright! Let's go!" Mark just laughed at how energetic Johnny is right now.

After minutes of walking, they finally arrived at the said cafe. Johnny's right, all of them are present, including their boyfriends. "Wow, you guys brought your dates." Mark said before entering the place, he was shocked when he saw a vacant seat just for him, they really love him that much. "Ah! Wait Mr. Lee." Ten stopped him from sitting down, he was confused so he remained standing. "BYOB Mark." Mark raised his eyebrow, but continues to sit anyway. "What do you mean by BYOB?"

"Bring Your Own Boyfriend, so where's your-oh..." Haechan immediately covered his own mouth as he realized what he was saying. "That's dark." Mark chuckled as he put his hand on each other, he instantly thought of Lucas. "You really should control your mouth sometimes Haechan, you're hurting him." Renjun said as he laughed along with the squad, Mark became friends with their boyfriends since they are always with the squad every video calls. "It's okay... And by the way guys, I just met someone." All of them went silent as Mark began to speak, they got curious, but one of them can't hold his mouth for some jokes. "Is it your devil boyfriend who yeeted me years ago?" Ten laughed at his own 'joke', that was kinda funny though. "Nah I don't think so, but he looked like Lucas. He recognized my necklace, and he even knows my name. He really really looks like him but with brown eyes."

"Maybe it was him." Kun said while chewing his food. "It's impossible, he's a ghost, and that guy is a human." Mark still refused to believe that it was him, he is now the real definition of 'Don't automatically believe in anything you just saw'. "Ever heard of reincarnation Mark Lee?" Taeyong asked while sipping on his iced coffee, of course Mark believe in those things, but this time, it's hard to believe that it was a reincarnation or not. "Yeah but... What if he's not?"

"Come on, just think positive. You even believe in mermaids and fairies, how come you can't believe in things like reincarnation?" Ten responded, his other arm was clinging to Kun. "I do believe in them, but not in this kind of situation."

"Yeah yeah whatever you say." Then Taeyong proceeds to eat his food, just like the others. Mark hates to admit it but he felt kinda jealous of his friends, they can bring their dates everywhere, they can be affectionate to each other everytime. Unlike his, especially when Lucas finally went to the kind of peace he deserves. He miss Lucas, he miss him so much. "You want some? Baby?" Mark's attention turned to the couple who are once mortal enemies, they're cute, it made him miss his boyfriend more. "Stop it Kun it's disgusting, stop calling me that." Ten rolled his eyes, but still eating the food Kun offered. "Wow, I feel so jealous of you all." Mark sighed, staring at his shoes as he made a bitter smile. "Ahh! Don't be jealous Mark, you may not be able to see him right now, but I am sure that he's with you always."

Mark remained silent for a while, staring at the food in front of him. "By the way, how did you guys met each other?" Mark tried to broke the silence. "You already know that Mark, we always talk about that." Haechan whined, making the others chuckle at his reaction, including Mark, he wants to feel happy at least for now. "Yeah, you're right." That's all Mark could say. "I-I'm sorry for ruining your happy moment, it's just... I miss him so much, I shouldn't have left the house, I should've stayed and waited for him. Am I stupid?"

"Yes, because you're dating a goddamn ghost, a dangerous ghost. And you miraculously changed him, like what in the y/n fanfiction is that?" All of them almost choked on their drinks after Haechan said that, Mark laughed with them as well, he actually didn't know why that happened. "Sweet Home Alabama~ things." Ten added, making Mark pout. "We're not even related." Mark then smiled as he stared at his friends laughing, he really missed their moments together, and now, he can finally have some fun with them again.

🎡 🎆🎡

Mark was finally at his home after hours of spending time with his friends and their dates, he had fun, but something in his heart is missing, and he know who it was, he always know who that person is.


"Why am I like this? Of course he'll come back, he wrote that in his letter... Right?" He then looked at the letter he received from his lover, and his picture. "I don't care what everyone will say. We're not even related by blood, and I will love you and wait for you. And if you are that Yukhei guy, then thank you for coming back." Mark got surprised when he saw a man walking past their house as he turned his attention on his window, it was the guy he met earlier, it was the guy him and his friends are talking about. "Yukhei?"

"Eh?? Oh! Hey Mark!" Yukhei happily waved at Mark, his voice echoed in the whole street since it was quiet. "I didn't know you live here. By the way, are you free tomorrow? There's a popular bookstore around here and I want to buy some books, and I think it would be fun to be there with someone." Mark went silent, thinking if he should go with him or not. But he wants to know if Yukhei's the guy he's been waiting for so maybe he should go with him. "O-Oh please don't find me creepy, I just want to be friends with you."

"Why would I find you creepy? I would love to be friends with you, so what time tomorrow?" That made Yukhei's smile show wider, it made Mark smile as well, seeing how cute he is. "What about 10?" Mark then nodded at his response, agreeing on the deal. "Okay, 10. I'll wait here."

"Alright! I'll pick you up tomorrow! Goodnight!" Yukhei waved once again, his smile still hasn't changed. "Goodnight Yukhei, be careful on your way home." Mark just smiled as he stared at Yukhei walking away, he then closed his windows when his shadow disappeared from Mark's sight. "Yukhei's really energetic, yet Lucas was the opposite of him. But as what I noticed on his diary, I know that he was once a joyful and energetic person, especially when he's with this Minhyung guy."

Mark then shrugged those thoughts off for a while at least, he needs rest. Especially when there's a long beautiful day waiting for him tomorrow.

My Guardian *Demon* #2 <LuMark>Where stories live. Discover now