chapter seven - Potions class

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Severus PoV

"There will be no foolish wand waving or silly incantations in this class. As such, I don't expect many of you to appreciate the subtle science and exact art that is potion making. However, for those select few Who possess, the predisposition... I can teach you how to bewitch the mind and ensnare the senses. I can tell you how to bottle fame, brew glory, and even put a stopper in death." I talked as I enter the class.

I noticed Potter was not paying attention so I approached towards him.

"Then again, maybe some of you have come to Hogwarts in possession of abilities so formidable that you feel confident enough to not pay attention!"

Granger nudged him and looked at me.

"Mr Potter, Our new celebrity. Tell me, what would I get if I added powdered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood?"

He shook his head

"Let's try again. Potter, where would you look if I told you to find me a bezoar?"

He mumbled "I don't know sir"

"What is the difference, Potter, between monkshood and wolfsbane?"

" I dont know sir"

"Pity. Clearly, fame isn't everything is it Mr Potter? 10 points from Gryffindor"

He stared at me and I moved on doing roll call. I called everyone's name and once I called Eleonore, she didn't reply so I look at the class to see where she's just to know she's not in class. I wondered what happened to her, is she alright. I continued the roll call and started teaching.

One an a half hour has passed and it's time for these first years to move on with the practical work. I kept on worrying where's Eleonore and just that, she rushed into the class.

Eleonore's PoV

I ran as fast as I could and the door was open so I entered. Professor Snape came towards me and said

"Eleonore Potter, you are late."

"Sorry sir I'm late." I apologized

"You missed the lecture, we're about to brew the potions now. 5 point from Slytherin. Go take a sit" He told me.

I look down because I know this is my mistake and i can't defend myself any way even if I tried. I do not want to make this problem into a bigger problem so i nodded and sit at the left over seat beside Hermione and Neville.

"Hermione, what are we about to brew?"  I asked her

"Professor Snape explained about Sleeping draught potion and stress relief potions so it can be either one or both"

"Okay thanks"

"You're to make sleeping draught and stress relief potions in one hour. There shall be no chaos made or detention at eight to whoever." Professor Snape told us

He continued "You'll be doing in pairs of the different house"

I thought this is great. In either way, I have friends in both Gryffindor and Slytherin so I didn't really mind. But to be Hermione's pair will be much of a help

"Eleonore, do you want to be my partner?" Neville asked me

"Neville, it's not that I don't want to-"

"Eleonore, I think you should accept. Everyone got their partners" Millicent told me as she stood beside me being Hermione's pair.

I looked around to see everyone in pairs. How did everyone get their pairs so quick?

"Alright Neville, I'll be your pair" I told Neville

He smiled and took the ingredients while I open my textbook and flip through the pages to find the sleeping draught page since we'll be doing that first.

"Eleonore, I think this shall be enough" Neville told me

"Have you measure it? If you haven't, we shall measure it now so we can get the right amount"


We measured the all the ingredients and get the exact amount needed and return back to our place. We decided we should take turn doing it. I'll do sleeping draught potion while Neville will do stress relief potion

Neville said the steps and which ingredients to be put in first. I trusted him so I didn't double check.


The cauldron exploded and everything's a mess. The liquid splashed all over my face and uniform and to Neville's uniform. I got splashed more because I'm directly infront of the cauldron.  The cauldron was burned.

"What happened?" Neville asked

"I'm pretty sure I followed every step you said. Let me see the steps" I took the book from Neville and see he missed a step and went back to the previous step.

"Sorry Eleonore. I thought it wouldn't make a difference" He apologized

"It's alright, we've never made potions before so I can understand." I reassure him that it's fine

Severus PoV

I was checking 5th years holiday assignment the suddenly a large Boom sound came from one of the students. I look up to see Eleonore and Lonbottom's cauldron all burned and they're splashed with the potion.

What was I thinking to let her paired with Longbotton and not to mention she missed the lectures. I stood up and went to their place.

"Eleonore Potter and Mr Longbottom, detention today at 8. 10 points from Gryffindor and 10 points from Slytherin. Now clean up"

"Yes Professor" Eleonore and Longbottom said in unison

"Eleonore Potter, come with me to my office. You splashed yourself with potions on your face"

She walked with me to my office while wiping the liquids off with her robes sleeves. Once i sit i told her in a lower gentle tone.

"Eleonore, the potion is only a quarter done with a wrong step before it exploded therefore in touch with human skin can cause irritation."

Eleonore PoV

No wonder my face feels itchy. I still don't know how Neville did that but Neville can't be blamed.

"Take this potion after you wash your face. It can get rid of the itchiness. He handed my a potion.

"Thankyou Professor"

"Now, how did the explosion happen? I know for sure a step was done first from the other"

"I-I accidentally put the other ingredient instead of the other Professor. N-Neville has nothing to do with this. He was telling me the steps from the book correctly"

"Please be careful next time. Neville is your pair so he must come to detention with you today"

"Yes Professor"

"Alright. You can help Neville clean up"

We stood and made our way out back to the classroom. She ran back towards her table and help Longbottom cleaning up

Lily, she's just like you. She doesn't want others in trouble. She covers up Longbottom's mistake as her own. That dunderhead told her a step earlier than go back to the previous step. I just agreed with her.

After an hours, they finished cleaning up i dismissed class

"Class dismissed. Put your potions on my table"

"Eleonore Potter and Mr Longbottom, I expect you both to arrive on time for detention today"

"Yes Professor" they said and left the classroom

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