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"Would you like to be my Valentine?", Kevin asked.

I blinked and a huge smile took place on my lips.

That was such a good idea!

"Sure Kevin", I replied giddily.

Kevin and I were sitting together in the library completing our homework. His herbology doubts were long before cleared out so we started doing homework of that subject together, in case he has any other issue.

We were very much aware of a certain brown haired guy sitting on the next table, probably eavesdropping on our conversation.

"I am serious Athea", Kevin spoke.

"Of co-"

"I am not doing this because of the deal."

I shut my mouth.

"I really like you Athea and I mean it. I have been crushing over you for a very long time, so when you came and asked for that deal, I couldn't say no. It was the only way I could think of to become friends with you.

But now, I want to be more than friends with you. I want you to give me a chance Athea.", he confessed.

"But Kevin, you know I like Remu-"

"I'll treat you better Athea, I promise. I'll do everything I can and then the ending decision would be yours. All I need is a chance. Remus doesn't even talk to you, does he? He is a hypocrite to be honest. He isn't even talking to you but gets jealous if I flirt with you. He isn't worth of your time and efforts Athea."

I took my hands out of his hold, which he held before asking me out to be his valentine, completely forgetting that Remus was present right at the next table.

"Do. Not. Say. Things. Like. That. About. Remus.", I spat and took a deep breath. "You don't know anything Kevin. You don't know why he rejected me. You don't know why he isn't talking to me. You don't know the real Remus Lupin... You know what? I'll tell you the truth. He rejected me because he thinks he is not good enough for me. He doesn't try to talk to me because he wants me to move on and be with a better person. The real Remus Lupin is one of the most beautiful persons in the world Kevin Bell and you have no idea about it.

He is fighting with his own feelings, with his own insecurities about himself, with his own depressing thoughts and you are saying he is not worth my time?

Despite the huge problems world has thrown at him, he has managed to be a kind person. He never wishes for someone else's demise. Infact, he always wishes for others to get the best they can. Even when he got jealous of you Kevin, he didn't ask you to stop spending time with me. He asked you to do it somewhere else. And you are saying he is not worth my efforts?

Have you ever cried out of guilt because you accidently cursed someone Kevin?

Have you ever let another girl be all over you despite you feel extremely uncomfortable just so she wouldn't be hurt?

Have you ever lived with a fear that one wrong word out of your mouth and the other person would start hating you instantly?

Have you Kevin? Huh? Have you?

He deserves all the beauty in the world Kevin and I am willing to give them all to him.

And honestly, if there is someone who doesn't deserve something, it's me. I don't deserve such a pure soul like Remus Lupin, who is willing to go through pain just so I will be happy." I smiled. "Little does he know that being with him would make me the happiest."

I stood up and left.

Third Person's POV

"Did you hear that Remus?", Kevin turned and asked the brown haired guy on the next table.

Remus closed his hanging mouth before looking at Kevin who was smirking at him.

"No", Remus refused.

Kevin raised an eyebrow at him. Remus avoided eye contact.

"She is whipped for you mate", Kevin grinned.

Remus didn't reply. Kevin sighed.

"Remus, you are not very good at hiding your feelings you know. You like her. She likes you. Where is the problem?"

Remus didn't reply.

"Ahh right. You feel like you are not good enough for her."

Remus shifted downwards in his seat, completely hiding his face behind his book and pretending to read.

"Remus", Kevin tried to knock some sense into him again. "Honestly, I agree with you."

Remus eyes appeared from behind the book.

"I do really. You are not good enough for her but Athea isn't the kind to be with someone who is "good enough" for her. She is the kind to be with someone who can love her the way she does to him. She isn't the kind who will be with someone who can fulfil her demands. She is the kind who will be with someone she feels safe with. She values peace more than she values laugh because laughs are temporary but the kind of satisfaction peace can give is way more lasting. She doesn't care if the other person hurt her, as long as it wasn't intentional and the person is guilty about it. And the most important part is, she likes you. She is probably in love with you. And she isn't the kind to give up on love."

Remus looked thoughtful. He was finally understanding how wrong he is to not even give her a chance. Because maybe, just maybe, he would be careful enough to not hurt her during his transformations. It's not like she would be with him when he transforms because he is either in the Shrieking Shack or down in the cellar in his house.

"So Remus Lupin", Kevin spoke again, "You have two options. Either accept her already or accept her after a few months because no matter what, as long as she knows you like her, she'll keep on trying."

Remus have never felt more thankful towards someone.

"And", Kevin continued, "do it before I actually start to like her because then, I'll make sure she is mine", he winked.

The thankful feelings left him completely.

A/n: So this was the determination he had. Now answer honestly. Did I fool you? Did you think Kevin actually fell for her? 

The next few chapters are going to be pretty nice ones without any problems before everything starts to go downhill. Whoops!

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