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I was in the common room completing my Runes homework.

Remus finally attended the classes today after two more holidays and I was finally able to concentrate on my studies completely.

It hasn't been this hard the previous years. Surely, I was curious why he was absent but knowing why he wasn't there this time definitely flipped something inside me.

I subconciously wondered if this is why he didn't attend classes every few days. My heart clenched at the thought.

I have been keeping chocolates at his bed every night. It made me feel better and I hoped it made him feel better too.

Pushing him out of my mind, I continued with my homework.

I looked up when I felt a presence beside my table. Laura was standing there with a bright smile.

"Hi!", she greeted and I smiled in response.

"How was Arithmancy?", I asked once she settled and started taking out her own homework to complete.

"As always, confusing", she replied and I chuckled lightly.

"Where is Clare?", she asked after some time.

"Quidditch practice", I replied.

"I wonder how she works. One moment, she is sleeping like dead and the next she is actively practicing quidditch", she shook her head.

"It's all about determination L. Even you tend to eat less when you have exams", I said.

"Yeah yeah whatever", she closed the topic.

I looked up when I heard Laura sighing deeply.

"What's wrong?", I asked, my rest of the homework abandoned now.

"Huh? Oh nothing", she said.

"Go on. Tell me", I urged and she sighed again.

"I read the Daily Prophet in the morning. Three muggles died mischievously. The Ministry thinks it's a wizard or a witch's doing", she explained.

"Oh", was all I could say.

Dark times were approaching and we were all aware of that. There was no point in denying it, noone was denying it, except of our wonderful Ministry ofcourse.

And I can't even imagine how scared Laura and Clare would be for their mother and father respectively, for they were muggles. Considering I was a pure blood, I was out of harm but they...

"What's up girls?", Clare entered through the door and the environment quickly shifted from that of fear and uncertainity of the future to a bright and happy present.

"Homework", Laura groaned.

Clare attempted to take a seat beside me but I put my legs up to prevent her from doing so.

"Go and take a shower first Clars. You stink", I grimaced.

She rolled her eyes and went to sit with Laura instead who pushed her down so she was on the floor.

"Don't even think of sitting beside me when you smell like a rotten fish. Go and take a long shower", Laura demanded.

Clare groaned but obliged and stood up to leave.

"15 sickles that she'll sleep through her prefect rounds", Laura said when she noticed Clare's tired attire.

I smirked when I remembered she had the rounds with gryffindors today (In other words, Remus had his prefect rounds today.)

"You are on", I said.

She will never sleep through her prefect rounds if it means talking to any of the marauders.

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