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"I need to do something to make Remus realize how wrong he is to reject me", I told my friends the day after Lily's birthday party.

We were all sprawled on our beds, tired after completing today's homework.

"You mean you want to take revenge?", Laura asked, her eyes shining in the hope of doing something reckless.

"No. I want him to accept me", I said.

"You mean, making him fall for you?", Clare questioned.

"Not that either. He rejected me because he thinks he is not good enough and I need to make him realize we are perfect for each other", I clarified.

This was the closest true answer I could tell them.

"Who told you that?", Clare asked.

"James", I answered and sighed. "I have no idea how to do that though. I did talk to Remus about it but he is adamant on being stubborn."

"Do you think he likes you?", Laura asked.

I shrugged. "Probably. I mean, when I accused him of lying about the reason he rejected me, he didn't deny it. So he probably does like me."

"Then we first need to make him realize how deeply he has fallen for you. Once he realizes that, I am sure he would be willing to give you a chance and then you can make him feel good enough when you two are together", she said.

"Or maybe you can try to spend more time with him and make him feel special with your actions. Afterall, actions speak more than words.", Clare suggested.

"Or maybe we can have a little bit of both", I said.


"Bell!", I called. Kevin turned around who was just leaving the Great Hall.

"Hey Rose", he greeted with a smile.

"Hi. I heard you needed help with herbology?", I asked with a sweet smile.


And so, here I was, sitting in the Gryffindor common room with herbology textbook and a few of my notes spread in front of me. Kevin Bell sat beside me contently hearing what I was explaining.

We made a deal. I would teach him Herbology and he would "act" like he likes me in front of Remus. He didn't refuse. Afterall, he was being tutored by the best. His words, not mine. Hah!

Remus entered. Kevin saw him and discreetly shifted to sit closer to me, our arms now pressed together.

I saw Remus pausing when he saw the two of us sitting so closely from the corner of my eyes.

"I hope this is not a plan to get me admitted into the infirmary so that Hufflepuff can win against us in the upcoming match", he whispered in my ear.

I rolled my eyes at him but couldn't help the playful smile on my lips. "Since when did you become so smart Kevin?"

"Since you started tutoring me Athea", he answered and wrapped his hand around my shoulder to pull me in for a side hug. I chuckled at his statement.

Remus came to sit opposite us and opened his book pretending to be engrossed in it.

I pulled away slightly from Kevin and looked at him with a smile.

"Hey Remus", I greeted.

"Hello Rose", he answered and closed his book to give us full attention. "What are you two studying?"

"Herbology", I answered. "Kevin was having some doubts in it."

He turned to Kevin. "You could have asked me to help you with that Kevin", he said with a forced smile that looked sarcastic.

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