43. To Meet a God

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'Every part of what I have communicated in these lectures is the product of study and careful experimentation. I have not asserted any fact without appropriate evidence. I am the quintessential sceptic. Some of the traditions of the elder priestesses, let me assure you, required careful re-examination before I was willing to accept the truth of their assertions...'

- Excerpt: Lectures in observations on the Gods, Charon the Archivist, Priestess of the Line of the Eldest, 180 SSA

Lady Shahla, First of Her Name, priestess of the line of the Eldest, started off her day in conformity with her time-honoured preference. Which is to say she began the day by having her pussy assiduously and scrupulously licked.

This particular morning, she made use of Elros, a member of Adya's former stock of consorts. Shahla had found him to be conscientious and earnest, the sort of fellow who would have passed through his training at the Incept at the pleasure of his tutors. He had a talent for making her clitoris melt with his tongue.

The army of Ostrakos arrived at the walls of the city that very morning. Tarn had been keeping an eye on that one for her. To some, this might have been cause for alarm - a new crisis, perhaps; but Shahla saw no reason to alter her usual routines. The central problem had been ameliorated. By destroying the causeway, Tarn had rendered the horde toothless for the moment, and he had assured her that he would soon subdue the mob.

There was time for a bit of cock.

And plenty of it.

Wishing to ensure that she was not wholly and completely distracted by the pleasure throbbing through her abdomen, she commanded James and Aaron to stand on either side of her for the benefit of leverage, thus giving her the advantage of one cock for each of her busy hands. Leaning left and right, she urged herself on, determined to make both of them ejaculate on her face.

She decided over a week ago that Adya's apartments were larger and more commodious than her own. Accordingly, she had required the staff to move her up and onto the higher floors. The view was better, certainly, and the consorts... well, the men seemed more at home up here, in the heart of the residence of their former mistress. After all, it was in this very room that they had been whelped into service as consorts.

'Gods, yes!' she cried, uttering blasphemy with impunity. It was true that she was a priestess, but there were some cases, Shahla had found, in which the extent of the pleasure one was receiving demanded an apposite expletive.

She was climaxing for the third time on Elros's tongue whilst moaning, and sucking very hard on Aaron's thick mushroom-shaped head when she sensed a shadow at the window.

Startled, she looked up.

'Good morning, Eldest,' Adya said, stepping down from the stone ledge.

'M-my child!' stammered Shahla, barely getting Aaron out of her mouth.

Adya nodded. 'Hello, boys.'

'My mistress!' James managed. Aaron turned and just gaped. Elros, whose hearing may have been muffled by Shahla's legs, was a touch more occupied than the other two, and had failed to register what was happening. On eventually recognising the voice of his former mistress, he jumped, grazing his stubbled chin against Shahla's labia.

'Gods!' Shahla groaned, letting go of Aaron's cock and pressing her fingers down between her thighs.

'That's two blasphemies within a minute, Eldest,' Adya said drily. 'A new record for you?'

Shahla coughed, then did her best to summon a dignified air, which was difficult to achieve which one's hand planted between one's thighs. 'What are you doing here, my daughter?'

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