36. The Drome

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These threats to Saburra are primarily external and could be considered as more remote than other possibilities: the Eldest should first consider the threat of insurrection from within...

- Excerpt: Security Papers Addressed to the Eldest, Chimon Reyes, Priestess. 90 SSA.

The hooded guards were gruff and anonymous; but for all of their rough manner, they did not lay a hand on Adya. She walked nobly between them as they guided through the quiet streets, leading her further into the canyon, then up a long, winding path. Being clean and confident in her appearance, helped her feel the part: for a few moments it was as if she was out for a walk with her consorts on the streets of Saburra. She breathed a silent prayer of thanks to the Mother for Narelle and all of her kindness.

As they approached the lip of the canyon for what surely must have been the terminus of the way ahead, she heard the noise and buzz of a crowd up above her.

'So, this is the Drome, then,' she said.

The guards did not respond. They escorted her through a dark tunnel, which appeared to lead to an open wide space beyond. As they walked closer and closer to the end of the tunnel, Adya's sense of trepidation grew.

The men around her closed ranks, pressing her between them before stepping out into the open. There was a sharp thump as a stone gate slammed shut behind them. On looking around her, Adya deduced that the Drome sat at the high end of the canyon, a wide, hollow bowl under an open sky. Like the other features of Ostrakos, it had certainly been Formed - roughly hewn out of the red-grey rock of the wilderness.

As they emerged and came to a halt, a jubilant cheer went up. Between the heads of the guards, Adya saw rows and rows of women seated above where they stood, all on one side of the arena. It was a smattering of the size of audience that the Drome could hold - the seats on the other side of the natural bowl were entirely empty. Adya estimated the crowd at around five thousand strong. As she had suspected, there were very few men about.

'And here she is!' boomed Toby's voice. His declaration caused the cheer to increase in volume. She saw he was up ahead of her, standing in the very centre of the sandy floor of the stadium, looking regal in his long, flowing robe. He stood next to a large, flat stone adorned with a range of manacles. Some dangled from the stone on long chains, whilst others were mounted into the rock itself. On seeing them, her heart quailed.

'Your Eminence!' he cried triumphantly. 'Please, come and join me.'

It was an invitation she was desperate to refuse. The guards on either side of her each gripped one of her wrists and hustled her forward, bringing her to Toby's left. Holding her wrists together, they pushed her to her knees, then bound her hands using the manacles secured by a long chain.

Toby stood watching them until they had secured her, then stepped forward to check the tightness of her bonds.

As his wrist crossed her own, she saw he was wearing her Focal on his right hand.

At a signal from Toby, the guards withdrew, striding in formation towards the tunnel entrance. There they stood in a tight phalanx, so as not to impede the view of the crowd. Adya and Toby alone remained at the centre of the stadium.

'So, your Eminence,' Toby announced loudly, 'it appears the tables have turned between you and I. Once upon a time, you commanded me as your slave. And now, your fate is in my hands.'

'So it would seem, Confessor,' Adya responded with equal volume. The Drome echoed with her voice. 'Though I hope that you will be as kind to me as I once was to you.'

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