26. The Mysteries of the Seven

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Power I give to you. And with it, I grant you wisdom. Use them in concert, so that by them you may prosper, fulfilling the will of the Gods.

- Excerpt: The First Annals of The Mother, Book Two. Date Unknown.

The library was far from quiet, which had been its default state in the years prior to the riots. It was a sizable, well-appointed room on the ground floor of Adya's house. Although it had very little natural light to speak of, glowstones shed an expanse of light throughout. Cassia the Great, being a great lover of the works of antiquity, had used it frequently. Adya, much less so. Her old mistress had collected many tablets of yore over many decades, acquiring the majority of them from the Archive of the priestesses, who would be required to scribe many copies of both well-known or obscure tablets as part of their education as acolytes.

On her way in, Adya squeezed past nearly a dozen priestesses with Telya in tow. The holy women were all sitting at long study tables, poring over words inked on stone. Adya couldn't help but wonder what purpose these pursuits would serve, now that Saburra was in the grip of an uprising. She supposed the Order of the Priestesses would cling to its traditions for as long as it possibly could.

'By the Mother!' Telya hiss-whispered. 'Even in the library their presence is felt. Of all places! The last room any guest would ever go, and yet here they are. It's the story of our lives. Invaded! That's what we are. Well and truly invaded.'

Adya ignored her, making her way to the back of the long room shuffling in between dusty stone shelves covered in tablets.

'Gods, it was good to see you deep in the Rite yesterday!' Telya said. 'I think it brought us all back to life again.'

Adya nodded absently. Back shelf, I think. Dark stone tablet? I can't remember.

'So, where is it, then?' Telya asked.


'Whatever you're looking for.'

'I don't know, exactly,' Adya said hesitantly. 'It's been a long time since Cassia...' She broke off as two priestesses emerged from behind a blind corner, pulling up in surprise at the sight of the Last Subcreator frequenting her own library. Which was a little more unusual than it sounded, since Adya had not darkened the doorway at least since the Eldest and her government had arrived and taken up residence - and probably a good twelve months before that. Both of the women bobbed their heads towards Adya out of respect, smiling before sidling past Telya and up the aisle towards the study tables.

'Since Cassia... what?' whispered Telya.

'Since Cassia made me read it,' answered Adya.

'You read something all that time ago?' Telya teased. 'Without Conrad around to help?'

Adya grimaced, failing to see the humour.

'That's enough, Telya. I just got a little flutter of sadness, right here.' She pointed to her chest.

'Sorry, Adya,' Telya grimaced. 'That remark was in very poor taste.'

'It's okay,' Adya sighed. 'It's just that I...'

'Need his body?'

'Well, it's not quite like that,' Adya objected.

Telya flashed a wicked smile. 'You're missing his cock, aren't you?'

'No!' Adya started. 'Well...'

'Sorry,' Telya held up her hand. 'I know. It's not my business. I should shut up.'

'Miss his cock!' Adya exclaimed, irritated.

'Shhhhh!' Telya whispered, giggling.

Adya bristled. She was surprised at the strength of her own reaction. Perhaps Telya had hit a little too close to the mark. She ought not show too much annoyance. Checking herself, she abruptly turned her head, scanning the shelves. 'I miss him, perhaps,' she whispered.

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