8. Perspective Approximation

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'I adjure you, my children, embrace your pain. For pain is fleeting, and it will teach you much...'

- Excerpt: The First Annals of The Mother, Book Two. Date Unknown.

'Welcome, all,' Hugo's hypnotic voice sounded throughout the vast space around them.

Many of the participants nodded politely. They were scattered throughout a mezzanine floor in a large amphitheatre, relaxing in plush armchairs. They were on a balcony facing a gigantic viewscreen, reminiscent of the old movie theatres from back in the 21st Century. Renate sat with her legs crossed, determined to enjoy the moment, no matter what Hugo was about to say. The theatre was not one of the public amenities on the Spear of Heaven - oh, no. The regular theatres were much, much smaller. This particular luxury was one of the many that were situated in the Halcyon Executive Zone of the ship.

Hugo sat casually on the edge of the balcony, a couple of rows away from the majority of the spectators.

Renate craned her neck a little, looking around for Jeff Harkness. She spotted him one row back and some distance away from her. Embarrassingly, they made eye contact straight away. She registered his lovely dark eyes, and at his immediate smile of recognition, her heart skipped a beat. She reflexively jerked her eyes away. The executive function in her brain kicked in at that point, prompting the realisation that jerking her eyes away was more embarrassing for her than making incidental eye contact in the first place. So she quickly looked back at him. Sadly, she lost the moment - he was now looking down at Hugo.

'So, let me tell you why you're here,' Hugo grinned. 'You're here because you have been identified as prospective candidates for our mission to the planet's surface. When we finally arrive, some of you... not all of you... will be selected to participate.'

The participants turned their heads, looking at one another, their eyes shining. Renate was less enthused. She had already been told that she would have a lead role.

'It needs to be emphasised that this is a critical role,' Hugo continued, spreading his arms out in a gesture of wholeness, openness and totality. He was dwarfed by the size of the theatre room, but he seemed to have a very wide reach. She was reminded of the stereotypical image of a Soviet-era dictator standing in a vast marble chamber, staunchly and proudly declaring the might of Mother Russia.

'It is a role that will be celebrated in generations to come,' Hugo declared. 'Those within the team will have a chance to set foot on our candidate planet, and to take leadership in something very special indeed. I'm sure I don't need to sell the importance of this. Halcyon will write the legacy of this team into the annals of history. If you are in this mission team, your names will be remembered afterwards - for centuries.' Hugo nodded at his own statement for emphasis.

At first, Renate grimaced at the undisguised appeal to her own pride and self-interest. But within seconds, she found herself nodding too - along with everyone else in the room. Halcyon's plan was nothing if not ambitious.

'I wanted to ask all of you along today so that you start to gain an understanding of what is at stake, here,' Hugo said. 'I thought I'd show off some of our work. Many of you know that what we are seeking to do here is lay the foundations of a long-term project. A very long-term project indeed. Entertainment on Earth will never be the same once we are done. We will have changed the game forever. The barriers to entry could lock out every other entertainment player in the market, but to get there, we will need an incredibly strong entertainment product.'

Hugo took a deep, theatrical breath. 'This is the aspect which keeps me awake at night,' he said quietly, taking on a conspiratorial air. 'But thankfully we have the best help available.'

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