Chapter 9: Making Love in Zero Gravity

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[A/N: The image on the top is uh... an early Christmas present, since Christmas is next month, and it's gonna replicate something that happens in this chapter. And it's not mine!! But you can thank me later for finding it. ;) Also, side note: writing style is change to the one I use for my My Hero x One Punch Man story because I felt like I wanted it to be one that I felt nice with. I hope you adapt to the change because it's gonna be like this as the book continues. And I don't know who the artist who made the drawing on top is.]

Warning: this chapter contains lemon/NSFW content. And I haven't even written something like this in a while, so I apologize if I'm sloppy. If you don't like this, then don't read this chapter. Now sit back, and enjoy the ride. 

Izuku walked into his dorm room with tiredness in his eyes as he locked the door so no one can interrupt him sleeping. He and Katsuki just finished cleaning the entire common space and also completed writing an apology letter for their sensei.

Because of that, it was now much more late into the night. Izuku looked at his All Might alarm clock that said, "11:25 PM". The green-haired teen got over to his bed and just flopped down on it, falling asleep as his body desperately craved the need to sleep.

"Ugh... Thank Kami I managed to finish... now I can get some sleep..." Izuku said as thanked Kami for allowing him to get everything done. But, asides all the things Aizawa made him and Katsuki do, the two of them were both burnt out as they want sleep. But there was only one person who was still awake.

Meanwhile, on the girl side of the dorms, Ochaco was still awake as she looked off into the night sky, her favorite thing that she liked to do. Just stare at the starry sky. The Zero Gravity Quirk User could have swore seeing some stars making a consolation that shaped into the face ofthe green-haired boy from her class as he gave his million-watt smile that made her blush and smile. She recently came to terms with it, and decided to confess her love for him. All of a sudden, she recalled the words of her classmate, Yuga Aoyama.

"Do you... like him?"

"*sigh* I guess you were right, Aoyama-kun. But, I don't just like Deku-kun, I love him, a lot." She said. Ever since he saved her from the Zero Pointer during the entrance exam, Ochaco started to grow feeling for the boy. Although she didn't know what she was feeling, it was confusing for her back then.

But now, it was clear as crystal. Ochaco Uraraka held feelings of love for Izuku Midoriya. And she knew that she must confess to him. Because deep down, something told her that she wouldn't be the only one that would confess. She wanted to be the first. She wanted to his only girlfriend.

"I can't just walk through here to the elevator that would take me to the boy side. I'll just wake everyone up again... and I won't be able to tell him how I feel. So, that's why..." She places her hands on herself, activating her Quirk which makes the brunette herself float.

"I'll just sneak over there with the help of my Quirk!"

Ochaco jumped up into the air as she floated into the air, before putting her hands together and safely landing on the roof.

"Good thing I didn't land too hard... that would have made a load noise for sure." She said mentally as she stood up before walking over to the boy's side of the dorms, and Ochaco slid down towards a balcony that was connected to the room of her green-haired crush.

Ochaco looked through the glass as she saw him. She smiled as she laid her eyes on Izuku himself, who was sleeping peacefully.

Speaking of the green-haired teen, in his room, Izuku was having a peace dream. He was dreaming about his future. Since All Might couldn't use One For All and was forced into retirement, it was now his turn to become the next Symbol of Peace.

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