Chapter 7: License Exam Finished + Having a Talk

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(Narrator's P.O.V)

Right before Gang Orca and his men attacked the first-aid station, Mera has a little flashback to a meeting in the boardroom of the Heroes Public Safety Commission about the licensing exam.


???: "Ball throwing?" 

???: "That's seems too much like a game... Is it really all right?"

???: "The real test will be how they deal with the chaos caused by it. We want to see if they will be able to use their Quirks and make decisions quickly and correctly in a crisis."

???: "And it's the same for the second exam? At this rate, we'll be evaluating not their individual abilities, but their ability to work in a group."

???: "This was a proposal from the National Police Agency-- A revision of the evaluation criteria and requirements for granting licenses. It's effectively an order."

???: "Assuming that all examinees have knowledge of basic emergency procedures and first-aid, we were told to focus on their attitudes toward cooperation."

???: "Cooperation, huh?"

???: "This has become necessary. All Might was at the top in everything--strength and charisma. There was always a large gap between him and the number two hero. It will be hard to find someone else as charismatic as him. Rather than waiting for the next All Might, we should fill that hole with an army of heroes with a strong sense of unity. The proposal this time is like a foothold into that."

[Flashback over]

Mera: "*Thought* The second test of the provisional hero licensing exam... Rescuing people who were in a large-scale terrorist attack and dealing with the villain behind the attack."


The wall near the first-aid area exploded as Izuku sees it.

Izuku: "What's that?!"

Smoke clears to reveal Gang Orca and his men.

Gang Orca: "Rescuing and fighting!"

His eye slits opened up to reveal his shark-like pupils as he looked at them.

Gang Orca: "Can you do everything at once?"

Izuku: "Gang Orca...!"

Mera looks at this while thinking.

Mera: "*thought* During the League of Villains search-and-destroy operation in Kamino Ward, Gang Orca fought beside Best Jeanist and Endeavor. He's strong, you know."

Gang Orca raised his hand up to signal to start attacking. His men listened and moved while Mera spoke on the comms.

Mera: "Villains have appeared and started their pursuit! Hero candidates at the scene should continue their rescue efforts while also suppressing the villains."

Iida: "Continue rescue efforts while fighting?!"

Mineta puts his hand on his head in frustation.

Mineta: "Jeez, are they serious?! Are they expecting too much from us?!"

Aizawa and Ms. Joke looked down at the attack.

Aizawa: "This situation would be difficult even for a pro. Just to go this far for the provisional license..."

Izuku looked at the injured people while Gang Orca walked along side his men.

Gang Orca: "Now... What'll you do? Fight, or protect? Help, or run? What will you do now, Heroes?!"

[Meanwhile, at the Mountain Zone]

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