Ch. 37 You Call This Trust?

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A few minutes later I crept into Clemont's room.  He and Korrina were asleep next to each other.  I turned off their alarm.  Then I went back out to the couch and lay down next to Serena.  I couldn't sleep.  For nearly an hour I just looked at her.

My heart ached.  I didn't regret agreeing to Calem's plan—I would never regret saving Serena's life.  I just knew how slim the chances were that I would see her again.  My world had changed in the last year in no small part due to Serena.  Having someone care about me and believe in me like she did was as much a power as my electricity was.  I thought of writing her a note, but I really didn't know where to begin.  Instead, I just cuddled up next to her.  It was probably close to noon when I fell asleep.

Calem woke me up.  It was dark again.  I looked up and he put his finger over his mouth.  I lifted Serena's arm from me, then slowly rolled off the couch to my knees.  I paused to look at her one last time.  I wondered if I would ever see that beautiful face again.  I pushed the thought from my mind.  At least I can guarantee that she will see her home again, I told myself.

The villa was dark and quiet as I walked out the front door and shut it behind me.  Calem was leaning against the porch wall.  It was overcast, as Dodds had said it might be, and there were no stars or moon visible.

"What time is it?"  I asked. 

"One thirty. They'll be here any minute."  He looked at me.  "You ready?"

"As ready as I'll ever be. You?"

"I'm ready."

A few minutes later the lights of the van appeared at the end of the driveway.  "Let's stop them before they get close enough to wake anybody," Calem said, walking toward the light.  We met the van part-way down the lane.  Raihan was driving and had stopped the van next to us.  Calem slid open the door and we both got in.

"Where's everyone else?"  Dodds asked.

"It's just us," Calem said.

"That's not the plan," Dodds said.

"This is a better plan," I said.  "Two can do it. The others will just get in the way."

"Everyone agreed to this?"  Dodds asked.

"We don't have time to argue," Calem said.  "Let's go."

Dodds looked upset but relented. "All right, it's your plan.  Let's go."

Raihan started to put the van into gear then stopped.

Dodds looked back at us. "Where's everyone else?"

"We just told you," Calem said.

He squinted. "What are you talking about?"

"It's just the two of us," I said. "Come on, let's go."

Again, Raihan started to pull the van forward, then stopped.

Dodds turned back. "Where's everyone else?" 

Calem scowled. "What the. . ."

"It's Serena," I said.

I looked out the window to see Serena storming down the drive-way.  When she got to the van she threw open the door.  "Really? After all we talked about, you still tried to go without me?" 

"I just. . ."

"Lied?  Conspired?"

"He was just trying to protect you," Calem said.

"You zip it," Serena said. "I already know this was your idea."

She spun back at me. "Really?  This is trust?"

"I'm sorry I tried to leave you out.  But I'm not sorry."

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"It means he loves you," Calem said.

"I said zip it," Serena said.

"It means I love you," I said.

"And that's why we stay together.  We're not just a couple, Ash, we're the Electroclan--at least what's left of it--and that means we stick together through good and bad times.  We've gotten this far because we've stuck together.  I know you were trying to protect me, but I didn't ask to be protected.  I asked to be with you."

"I thought it was the right thing," I said.

"I know, and part of me loves that you did this.  But the right thing is us working together.  All of us." She turned to Calem. "And that means you, too.  You don't have to prove you're a hero.  You've proven that so many times I've lost count.  We all admire and love you, just like Drew did.  Don't take that away from us.  Please."

Calem looked stunned. Then his eyes welled up with tears.

"All right," I said. "Let's go wake Clemont and Korrina."

A/N: Sorry for the week delay. I've been trying to find a job, apply for graduation, and had a birthday. I hope to finish this book soon

Thanks again for continuing reading

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