Picture frames

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Chapter six

"Step away from the picture." Lilah calmly said, as if she was a negotiator. Cole stood, in front of her framed Chelsea football team photo she had brought from home. It hung proudly on the wall, where it had always been.

"And why would I do that?" Cole questioned.

Lilah narrowed her eyes. "Because if you take it down I'll make your life a living hell." Cole smirked, not feeling the slightest bit worried.

"Oh come on London. It's a photo of some soccer team, it's hardly a big deal."

Lilah gasped, out of everything he had said, that was by far the most disrespectful. "That is Chelsea you're talking about. And they are not a soccer team. This is real football" She angrily said, storming over and snatching the frame from him.

"Say what you want, but you have nothing on these guys." Cole bent down to pick up a picture frame of his own.

Lilah scoffed in disgust. "A bears fan. Could you get any worse?"

"How about we don't talk about football teams?" Cole suggested, sharing a similar narrowed eyed smile. "But this, is still going up." He said, mounting his picture on the frame. Lilah took a deep breath and reminded herself that she could receive a phone call any minute that would end this suffering.


Lilah stayed in her room for the rest of the night while Cole was slowly clearing his new room. Scarlet lived in a very odd space. The walls were hand painted, abstract patterns and colours. He could tell she was an artist without being told, she was very talented, but it was too busy for Cole's taste. It was weird digging through someone else's belongings, but by default it was now his. She had so much stuff he needed to pack, some he definitely didn't want to see. He didn't completely understand the reason Lilah blew up about the picture swap, it's not like he'd changed anything else in the apartment, despite it being his.

"Dude I'm telling you, she's on my case all the time." He complained to Seth over the phone.

Seth chuckled, struggling to build the newest bit of furniture Scarlet had ordered, he questioned her interior vision, but it's not like he cared that much. As long as he had a sofa, Tv and bed, he didn't care. "Well, you aren't exactly a dream to live with. I take it you've been winding her up."

Cole scoffed. "Oh please, I'm a delight. You just got the better of the two."

"Scarlet's a dream, I won't deny that. You just aren't used to living with a woman."

Cole rolled his eyes, Seth had been with Scarlet for five minutes and suddenly he's the woman expert. They were the dynamic duo, a force to be reckoned with when it came to girls, now he sounded more whipped than ever.

"Whatever, just get your girlfriend to come get her stuff. It's weird dodging her underwear." He said while holding one of Scarlet's blue lace bra's in the air.

"Then stop looking." Seth shouted, cringing at the idea of his best friend being up close and personal with his girlfriend's underwear. "We'll be over." The call ended, Cole laughing at how easy Seth can be annoyed. It was like having a brother.


Scarlet busted through apartment 214, craving her best friend's company. "Woah." She said as she nearly collided with a tall stack of boxes. "I didn't know I owned so much stuff."

"Yeah, well I've been the one packing it up for you." Cole said, appearing from around the corner, with another box in hand. Scarlet couldn't help notice his muscular arms flexing as he carried it. She looked him up and down.

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