Guilt flowers

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Chapter four

"Scarlet. What the hell?" Lilah sternly cursed, walking to the dipsy red head carrying a heavy bouquet of flowers. Scarlet had a tendency to change her hair whenever she felt like it. "What are you doing here?" Lilah asked, the clearly clueless girl.

"I went to the apartment but it was empty. I really want to say sorry." Scarlet replied, with a sense of guilt. She hadn't heard from her best friend for a whole day and she knew it was her fault. Lilah looked at her hands to admire the beautiful arrangement.

"Flowers aren't going to make up for this, Letty."

Scarlet looked down to the floor, Lilah was the most forgiving person she knew, but it seemed as if she went too far this time. "I had a feeling you might say that. Which is why I booked a table at Cassie's."

Lilah groaned at how genius here best friend was. When Lilah and Scarlet became roommates they explored New York, they stumbled into a place called Cassie's. It was a classy bar that was dim lit and full of customers. There was something about it that drew them to it. The bar was about to close after they finished their first drink, but Scarlet managed to sweet talk the head staff to let them have one night cap. They went to pay the cheque but it was already covered, the famous owner Cassie, paid for them. After the confusion the waiter told them Cassie said they reminded her of when she and her best friend moved to the city. The girls have never met her, even four years later. "Come on, you can't decline a night at Cassie's. This could be the time we meet her." Scarlet teased, close to begging her to join her.

Lilah sighed. "I have so much work, and I'm hardly dressed for a bar." Lilah's work attire was stylish and better than most, but she felt way too 'office like' for a bar.

"I'm sure Carmen will let you go. This is overtime anyway." Just as Lilah was about to object, Scarlet caught sight of Carmen. "Hi Miss Brookes. Do you mind if I steal young Delilah here? I'm kind of in trouble and need her to forgive me."

Carmen laughed at the pair. One obviously more excited than the other. Lilah had mixed feelings, she loved Cassie's and she missed Scarlet, but she didn't want to let her off the hook so easily. "I'm sure I can survive on my own." Scarlet smirked and squeezed Lilah in excitement. "Where are you two crazy kids going?" Lilah found it amusing how Carmen was still very young to have her position but she speaks as if she was their mother.

"Cassie's. It's sort of our place." Lilah explained. "We haven't been in a while."

"It's nice there. But I think I might have something you can wear other than work attire." She told her employee with a smirk.

The two girls made it to Cassie's with linked arms as they walked the street. Carmen styled Lilah in a red long sleeve blouse and a tight black skirt. Lilah luckily wore her high Chelsea boots, almost as if it were meant to be. Carmen apparently always kept a few outfits in her office in case she had to attend an event. Scarlet kept telling her Lilah was making her look like she just rolled out of bed. They were seated quick, and by the familiar waiter. The girls were amazed with how they were treated like royalty at Cassie's, but they weren't complaining.

They spoke just like always, maybe better than before. Living with someone usually meant they experience the same thing. Now these two live very different lives. Scarlet being with a man she wanted to be with, Lilah being lumped with his friend, just like a double date gone wrong, except they probably wouldn't have to wake up with boxer shorts on their bathroom floor.

"I'm telling you, Cole isn't that bad." Scarlet said after swallowing her mouthful of wine.

Lilah laughed. "Easy for you to say. You're with his friend, who is hardly going to bad mouth him."

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