The new tenant

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Chapter one

New York. The city of bright lights, big dreamers and endless opportunities. It's the place where you can be whoever you want and nobody cares, the walk of shame, the morning rush, the use of I heart NY t-shirts being wore unironically, nobody gives a second glance. That is one of the many reason why Delilah Rose, or as she prefers, Lilah, loves the big apple. Our leading lady had a dream of her own which made her move all the way from England four years ago. An aspiring writer, who is slowly making her way through the world of literature.

But right now she stands under the remaining warm water her shared apartment has to offer. She reached for the handle and stopped the shower, making her skin rise from the cold air already. However, that was soon cured when she wrapped her warm purple towel around her. "Huh, not too bad for a Sunday." She complimented herself as she stared at her reflection through the steamy mirror she'd smeared clear. Her wet blonde highlighted hair returned to its naturally curly state thanks to the water, and her skin glowed despite her messy sleep schedule and a night of casual drinks she enjoyed by herself last night. Lilah seemed as if she had everything together when realistically she still felt like the eighteen year old who first moved to the big city.

She carried on her private concert she was in the middle of in the shower as she started the journey to her bedroom. Her apartment was just like the one she dreamed of, well, similar enough. She made the most of what she had. It was shared with her best friend, Scarlet. Lilah had been on her own for just over three weeks, Scarlet when on a trip with her family. She enjoyed the peace but when she heard the front door handle jiggle, pure excitement kicked in. Lilah ran down the long corridor, expecting her best friend, however when she saw a tall dark haired man she stood frozen like a deer in headlights.

"Wow, he's here a day before me and he's already got a girl over." The mystery man chuckled. Lilah narrowed her blue eyes, not only in confusion but in disgust at how he spoke about her as if she was invisible.

"Excuse me. Why the hell are you in my apartment?" She fought back to the smug looking male.

He sighed and shot her a sympathetic smile. "Look London, I know Seth is a smooth talker but you can't stay here. I have to say; his taste has gotten considerably better."

Lilah suddenly became very conscious that her body was cover solely by a cotton towel. "I have no clue who Seth is, and I'm pretty sure he wouldn't stand a chance with me anyway. So, I'm going to ask you one more time. What are you doing in my apartment?" The unknown man was taken by surprise at her confidence. She looked like a dream, a little uptight, but attract nether the less. He certainly hadn't ignored her British accent or her sour reaction when he called her London. In contrast to his plain American accent her feisty words sounded rather polite. "Look, if you're just going to stand there and stare I'll be quite happy to call security." She threatened. She received a chuckle in reply.

"They'd only remove you." He told her.

"My roommate is due back any minute and compared to her I'm the nice one. So I suggest you leave."

He smirked. "Funny, mine should be here too."

Lilah groaned. "What makes you think you live here? This has been my apartment since I finished college."

"Well, according to this." He reached into his back pocket and pulled out a folded piece of worn paper. Lilah cringed at his sloppy way of treating a document. "We're the tenants, as of." Delilah snatched the paper from his grip. He hadn't even stepped foot into the apartment and he was already being pushed out. "Yesterday." He said with a smug voice.

Lilah's eyes dilated as she read the printed words. He was right, her rental agreement had come to an end, and she didn't even know.

"For god sake." She sighed under her breath. He was completely right, this was no longer her apartment, making her and Scarlet homeless. Oh god! Scarlet. "It doesn't make sense. We never got a notice. They can't just kick us out, we have rights!"

"Woah, London." He said raising his hands in surrender. "I'm not the bad guy here. Nor would I kick you out dressed in only a towel." Delilah shot him a 'Are your serious?' glare. This was definitely not her finest moment. "Go and call you roommate." He instructed her, snatching the paper from her hands just like she had done to him. "I'll do the same, while I take a look at my new place." He pushed past Delilah in the complete opposite mood than her. She sprinted to her room and grabbed her phone, taking it off of charge and clicking on Scarlet's number as quick as she could.

"Scarlet. We have a problem." Lilah said straight away. She put her phone on speaker as she frantically looked for clothes to replace her towel.

The faint sound of hammering and voices sounded the line. "Lilah."

"I can't hear you." She replied, feeling her stomach begin to knot in panic.

"Hold on." Scarlet said. "Babe, would you be quiet. I can't hear Lilah."

Dalilah's confusion increased once again. "Babe? I thought you were with family? Wait. Not the point. Did you know we were being thrown out? The new tenant literally just showed up."

The silence on Scarlets end was deafening to Lilah, which made her close her eyes and sigh. "Yeah, about that. I did sort of know."

"SCARLET LANE!" She shouted, taking her phone off of loud speaker. "We're homeless. What's your plan?"

"I decided since your work was stressing you out I would take control. But finding an apartment was harder than I thought. But then I ran into a guy while I was away, turns out he was moving to New York with his friend. The Apartment he put a deposit on was so much closer to my work, and we got on so well we decided to move in together."

Lilah was so close to screaming, she could have shattered windows with her frustration. However, she kept her cool. "Let me guess. His name is Seth?"

"Oh my god. Yes, how did you know?"

"I think I just met his friend in your story."

Lilah could imagine Scarlet's 'oh no' face through the phone. "Lilah, this place is so far from your work and it's close to Cole's it made sense. But you can totally stay here." Lilah rubbed her forehead, feeling an incoming headache already. At least she knew the stranger's name now. Cole. In a weird way, he suited it.

"Scarlet, this is so messed up. I can't believe you did this to me. And all for some guy you hardly know."

"Lilah. We've been friends ever since you moved here. Our first conversation was all about taking a leap of faith. You moved away from home to a completely different country without knowing anyone. This is my leap of faith. Seth told me all about Cole and he seems pretty cool. Give him a chance, maybe you'll get along too." It was rare for Scarlet to say anything serious. Scarlet and Lilah were the wild college girls, but as time went on Lilah became more sensible and Scarlet didn't. She kept the wild side of Lilah alive, she was the firecracker that always reminded her of the other reasons than a career that she moved to New York for.

She groaned down the phone. "Fine. For now." Scarlet cheered at her friend's words. "But, I'm going to look for new apartments. It's not like I'm going to find one overnight but I'm moving as quick as I can."

"Have fun with your new roomie." Scarlet giggled just before Lilah put the phone down.

"Why me?" She groaned, looking up at the ceiling in hopes of finding an answer. "I guess it's time to meet my new roommate." She muttered.

"I take it you spoke to your friend?" The man said walking down the hall, Lilah walked to meet him.

"And I take it you spoke to yours?" She asked. He nodded, sharing her same expression. They stood opposite each other, next to the sofa, in the apartment that they now share. The awkwardness was quickly broken. When the man reached his hand out.

"Cole." He stated.

"Lilah." She replied, shaking his hand, once.

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