Friendship probation

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Chapter three

Lilah spent the majority of her night hunting for new apartments. Scarlet certainly wasn't exaggerating when she said it was hard to find a place. Everything is either so far or way over her budget. Working for a publishing house didn't exactly pay her a fortune, especially since she was still moderately new to the company. She was disturbed every now and again by Cole shouting at the TV, she wanted to tell him to shut up, but right now she didn't exactly know where she stood. He was watching her TV, but she was staying in his apartment. Scarlet tried ringing her multiple times, and after Lilah let it ring out, she texted. She wanted to know how it was going. How could she reply to a message like that? She was living with a complete stranger without any type of warning. Lilah decided to let herself cool off before she spoke to her, just in case her initial anger got the better of her. Scarlet has been her first and longest friend here, Lilah didn't want to ruin that.

After a few hours every listed apartment began to look the same. Lilah's eyes grew tired and her lack of sleep got the better of her. She didn't stir when Cole knocked on her door, he was close to open it but quickly remembered her clause on their roommate agreement. Knock before entering, no permission means no entry. He sighed and wrote a note, informing her that he had gone to work.


Cole walked his way through the creeping darkness as he headed for work. When his good buddy Seth pitched the idea to move in together Cole wasn't completely set on the idea. He hated the tiny apartment he was living in, but he liked his own space, nobody to bother him, he was an introvert as much as he portrayed the opposite at times. He also knew Seth was loaded compared to him, Cole couldn't compete with his pay cheque. Seth never made him feel beneath him but Cole wasn't naïve, he knew he was way lower on the food chain than him. Seth's standard of apartment would be way out of Cole's price range. They always said they would move in together one day after they left college, but Seth got a job in a different state, until he was relocated to New York. It took some convincing but after Cole saw the rent was a decent rate, it was close to his work and it was way nicer than his place, it was a no brainer.

"Look who made it on time, that must be a first." Dawson, a fellow barman sarcastically said when he saw Cole. Cole rolled his eyes as he jumped behind the relatively quiet bar. Cole had worked there since he left college, it was easy money and he had a way with people. However, he didn't plan on being a barman forever, his real passion was music. Writing and playing with his band, the thought of doing it on his own was daunting, but he could dream.

"Get used to it, my place is a lot closer now. I'll be racking up even more tips than you." Cole replied, tapping his chest as he past to tend to a customer.

"Your friend was asking for you earlier." Dawson told Cole as he poured a beer for a middle aged man. The bar was old and had its regulars, but after Cole kept pestering the owner, they renovated it. To their surprise, Cole was right. After a little facelift, it attracted a whole new demographic. Anyone was allowed in until ten, then it was twenty one up, but it was twice as busy than before. Cole received a nice promotion after his genius business idea.

"What friend?" He questioned, serving his own customer.


Cole sighed when he heard his name. Lilah wasn't the only one questioning their friends actions. Seth ditched him without any warning. He felt for Lilah more though, Cole was frustrated and annoyed but he could handle himself. However, Lilah was living with a man she had never met in a big city. He didn't see her as weak, he discovered her to be quiet feisty, but there is a lot of creepy men out there. If he knew his sister was in a situation like their one he would pick her up and buy her a place, no matter how much debt he would be in. "By the look on your face I guess you aren't on great terms."

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