Chapter 7

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I wanted to scream at that momentt but more importantly, I needed to think. I could feel the anxiety building up inside as my ears were heating up. I lift my bag upside down to empty it on the table. I frantically shrewd through my things that were scattered on the table but still couldn't find my phone. 

I can't even think straight to recall where I could have dropped my phone. The day was quite eventful on its own for me to check my cellphone earlier. I am fanatically pacing back and forth near my table. How do I call anyone for help? I don't even remember Blake or Jason's number. 

"Just when I thought everything is going great some sh.." I stopped midway as I saw the waitress walking towards me. 

"Is everything okay ?" 

"Yes" I mean no.. I panicked. Should I tell her? I should ask her. Even if I tell her how will she help me. Although I replied yes to her answer she still looked concerned for me. 

"Actually.. I... don't have a cellphone with me" What even I was saying. 

"I mean I think I dropped my cellphone somewhere and I don't know how to contact my cousin," I told all this in one breath before I mumble more into some nonsense. 

"Oh no.. Do you have his number written down anywhere?" She asked looking back and forth between me and the counter. 

"You can up from the counter."

"No, I don't think so. " I said as I run my fingers through my hair in frustation. I haven't done a thing that every tourist should do.  Have written information somwhere so in case technology fails tradional ways could back up. 

"Is he on any social media or anything I could text him on so he could come and get you " She ask as she takes her cellphone out of her pocket. 

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