~10. "Don't be shy..."~

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*Emee's POV*

The coldness surrounded me within seconds, when the candle next to me went out and with it the light as well. If I was still able to see enough, I would be catching the air, that left my mouth freezing midway. I would be able to see my breath! That is how cold it had gotten.

It felt just like the first night I hadn't spent in my bed, since I was with Moiraine and her Warder. And it felt like the night after and the following night and so on. I didn't even know for how long I hadn't been home anymore. Time was irrelevant.

My previous attempt to flee, was unsuccessful. How could I have done it better? I guessed it wasn't important anymore. A few days into the journey, I sort of had gotten used to the uncomfortable and lonely feeling, yet I was still craving closeness and warmth. But traveling with Lan and her became... my comforting feeling.

Shivering, my body tried to keep itself somewhat warm, without success. Even my teeth joined in and the sound of them chattering onto another, filled the silence around me in the tent. I focused on the noises surrounding me. Everything seemed intense. The sounds were louder than usually. It was almost, as if I could hear the snowflakes hitting the ground. Suddenly as if my heart knew what happened, someone stepped into the tent quietly.
My teeth chattered even louder together. It was one of my rather... let's call it flaws. When I was nervous, my whole body usually had a reaction to it. Cold and sweaty hands, shivering till I couldn't no more. Now, the coldness made it even worse. I tried to bite my tongue, to stop these noises. Yet, the only thing it did, was hurt myself.

The steps came closer.

My heartbeat quickened.

The thin blanket that covered my shivering body was pulled up over my shoulder. A warm hand slid along my arm, almost unnoticeably, since the blanket was in between. My breath hitched in my throat and it felt as if my heart was pounding outside of my chest.

"Don't be afraid, little dove." Whispered Moiraine deeply. "It's just me."

I swallowed and shakily breathed out. The Aes Sedai exhaled deeply and calmly. Her breath hovered over my neck, which sent shivers down my spine. Throughout our journey, she has not often been this close to me, well apart from the very beginning, where she had knocked me out, as well as kidnapped me or as a few days ago, when she climbed into my bed and pulled my body into hers. It was such a comforting feeling.

I acted as if I was asleep. I attempted to breathe slowly and regularly, which didn't work out too well.

"I know you're not asleep, Emee" Moiraine cooed, probably while smiling, into my ear and stroke along my cheek with her tender fingers.

I frowned and cracked my eyes open. My chest rose high and sunk deeper.

"What was this today?" I brought out, barely a whisper and her hand left my body.

As so often already, Moiraine had saved my goddamn life. A big group of men had overrun the camp. I was way more concerned about her health than my own. One of those beasts had bored it's spear right through her, somehow she still was able to talk to me. Yet, she only sent me away... I killed those men, why did she sent me away? I saved all of us...

"I could ask you the same. Why didn't you leave? I wanted to protect you." She rose her voice.

"Protect me?!" I squealed out and sat up, still facing her with my back. "Protect me?! You told me to leave!"

"Of course! I am here to protect you, no matter what! Now, there will be far more difficulties!" She explained and her steps roamed around the tent. I could practically see her frowning, just by the way she spoke.

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