Episode four: part two

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Derek leapt forward as a large thud hit the back of his seat

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Derek leapt forward as a large thud hit the back of his seat.

Stiles grinned as the man snapped his head around to an embarrassed looking Luella. She stared at Derek with comically wide eyes, not saying a word about the fact her leg spasmed out and kicked his seat, hard.

Stiles glanced at Derek with a sarcastic smile. "She does that when she's nervous," he paused. "So watch out."

Derek frowned and Stiles cheered on the inside, hoping he put him off Luella slightly, even if he knew on the inside they would never get together. But instead, Dereks face softened as he gazed back at Lu.

"You're nervous," Derek stated as a question not really using his senses because of his injury.

Luella gave him a nod, then cleared her throat awkwardly. "Well I don't really want you to die, that-, that would suck."

Derek let out a small smile at her words, forgetting what it felt like to be even slightly cared for.

But of course Lu seen an opportunity for humour and took it.

"See the jeep is pretty special, lots of good memories, so...," Lu took a short pause, shrugging. "If you die in it, I dunno, it kind of takes away the magic," she joked. "You nervous? About the whole death thing," Luella asked getting an eyeroll from Derek, but she could still see his hidden grin. She smirked when Stiles gave a small hiccup as he kept down his laugh.

Derek glared at Stiles, making the boy sigh heavily and tighten his grip on the steering wheel.

"I'm gonna text Scott," Stiles huffed, reaching into his pocket for his phone only to have it smacked away by Lu.

"You can't text and drive," Luella commented, and leaned forward to get Stiles' phone out of his jean pocket, making the boys jaw drop as he squirmed.

Derek narrowed his eyes and glanced between the two. "You couldn't have just used your own phone," he grumbled lowly, getting a quick glance from Stiles and a shrug from Luella.

"Well I have Stiles' now so," Lu stated and texted Scott asking if he found out what kind of bullet the hunter who shot Derek used. The phone buzzed two seconds later.

"He needs more time," Luella read, Stiles hit the steering wheel aggressively.

"Come on," Stiles groaned, glaring at Derek for the hundredth time. "Try not to bleed out on my seats okay?"

Luella rolled her eyes at Stiles' command. "You know that can be a lot of pressure," she commented, earning strange looks. "You wouldn't understand.... dickheads."

"Luella," Stiles exclaimed.

"Sorry," Lu apologized quickly. "Where are we going Stiles," she asked, skipping over what she had said.

"Derek's house," Stiles sighed alarming Derek.

"You can't take me there," Derek argued shaking his head.

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