Episode two: part four

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Stiles' blue jeep pulled up outside the Rêves ballet studio, Scott and Stiles ready to drag Luella with them to the hospital to check the body in the morgue

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Stiles' blue jeep pulled up outside the Rêves ballet studio, Scott and Stiles ready to drag Luella with them to the hospital to check the body in the morgue.

"Seriously?" Stiles questioned as he parked, Scott laughing at his face of disbelief.

Luella was leaning against the entrance door with a tall boy with dark curly hair in front of her, he had small pink pointe shoes (ballet shoes), dangling off his finger. He looked around the same age as the three, though much more imitating.

Stiles scoffed as the pair laughed together, then gave a forced smile when Luella noticed him and Scott. She waved as the boy turned around to them.

"Who the hell is that?" Stiles asked Scott, still keeping his smile up, though his tone was aggressive. Scott frowned, not recognising the boy who stared down at Lu.

"I dunno," was all Scott said in return, making Stiles roll his eyes.

The boy gave a quick wave to Luella, and jogged over to his car. Luella gave him a smile, calling out a goodbye and a good luck. She held up a finger to Scott and Stiles, signalling she'll be one second, then disappeared though the door. Luella and Louis then showed up at the door, Lu gave her father a quick kiss on the cheek, and Louis gave the boys a wave.

Lu then strolled over to Stiles' jeep with a grin, knowing they were all going off to get into some kind of trouble. Scott swung the door open for her and hopped into the back seat. When Luella climbed in, Stiles held back his questions about the boy and Scott forced himself to swallow his laugh at Stiles' face.

"Where we going?" Luella asked, putting on her seatbelt. Stiles took a moment to squint at her, then drove off.

"To investigate a body inside the morgue," he answered calmly, Luella scrunched her face up in disgust.

"That's sick," she retorted. "But I'm glad you felt the need to bring me along to protect you," Luella joked with a smirk.

Scott and Stiles grinned at Luella, and her ability to lighten up a horrible situation by a few words.

"That's not-,"

"Drive," Luella let her smirk spread into a smile, hearing her best friends joy, joining in with the boys laughter.


"Hey." Stiles nudged Scott and nodded to the hallway leading down to the morgue. Scott glanced around and slipped away, unnoticed. Stiles and Luella glanced at each other and strolled over to the desk in the waiting area.

Luella smirked when she spotted Lydia on one of the plastic chairs, waiting for someone. Lu elbowed Stiles and subtly gestured towards the strawberry blonde. Stiles spun around and frowned at Lydia, then glanced at Luellas eager face and sighed.

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