xiii. Nervous

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MINA SAT HERSELF onto a nurse's bed, the thin sheet of paper crinkling under her weight as she tapped her foot on the ground. There were a few other students in the nurse's office from her class, being hidden behind some curtains as the nurse would attend to them. The room was quite large, each small bed practically separated by a wall.

The cut on her cheek was no longer hurting, only slightly bleeding. She wondered if Firedrake had taken Mrs. Sato's shadow already. She would help, except people were expecting her to be in the nurse's office and if she disappeared, it would be suspicious.

Interrupting her thoughts was the sound of footsteps beside her, and her head darted to a boy who had walked past the wall, eyes widening when he saw her.

"S-Sorry, I was looking for the nurse, I didn't think anyone would be in here," he shyly said.

"It's okay. Are you hurt?" Mina asked, looking up at him. He was quite tall, with long black hair reaching the nape of his neck.

"N-No," he shook his head. "Are you?" he asked, his eyes glancing at the cut on her cheek.

"Oh, no, I'm fine. Just waiting for the nurse to clean this up. I'm kind of afraid to touch anything," Mina chuckled, motioning toward the cart full of medical supplies.

"Would you like me to help? I get small cuts all the time in woodshop, so I kind of know how to clean it," he offered, to which Mina warmly nodded. He hesitantly took a rolling chair, sitting on top of it and rolling to her. Despite the chair being lower than the bed, he was at equal height with her, his broad shoulders much more obvious as he sat in front of her.

She watched intently as he grabbed a cotton pad, pouring some alcohol onto it before looking at her. "Is this okay?"

She only nodded before he leaned it slightly, pressing the cotton onto her cut. She clenched her jaw a bit from the sting, quickly forgetting it as she tried to avert from the gaze of the boy she'd never met before.

"What's your name?" she asked quietly.

"I'm Jeong Yunho. I'm in your literature class," he smiled timidly, the curl of his lips sweet and small. "Sorry, I'm kind of nervous. I've seen you everywhere and I've never really gotten the courage to come and talk to you."

"Oh," is all Mina said, her mind racing. She didn't really know what to say, especially because she sort of felt bad that she didn't really know he existed until that day.

"I'm Mina, except everyone kind of calls me Minnie," she introduced herself, a light smile on her face. Yunho pulled away, happily nodding before he picked up a band-aid, carefully putting it onto her cheek. The close proximity was unfamiliar, and it was making Mina's palms clammy.

"There, I think that will be good," Yunho said before rolling back on his stool.

"Thank you, Yunho. Are you sure you're not hurt?"

"I'm okay, I just hurt my wrist a bit, but it's nothing big. Someone kicked it on accident when you were holding the table up for us to crawl under the door," he explained, pressing his lips into a flat line. "Which was pretty cool. You're strong."

"Oh, thanks," Mina shyly chuckled, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. "We should probably go, our friends might be looking for us," she suggested, and Yunho nodded in agreement before they both stood up, walking past a few beds before they made it to the door. They opened it, seeing a few people scattered around, waiting for their friends to come out of the nurse's office. Bitna was among them, along with Hoseok, Seokjin, Jungkook, and the rest of the boys.

"Minnie!" Bitna exclaimed when she saw her, running toward her. She engulfed her in a tight hug, to which she returned warmly.

"How did you get out of class?" Mina asked curiously, pulling away to look at her.

"Mr. Han dismissed school for the day," she explained. "Mrs. Sato's fine now, Firedrake defeated her."

Mina internally let out a sigh of relief.

"I'm going to get going," Yunho spoke up beside her, sending her a kind smile. "Hope you feel better."

"Thank you, Yunho," she returned the smile before Yunho walked away, his tall figure standing out among others.

Bitna's eyes followed him as well before she slowly turned her head to Mina, squinting at her playfully and curiously. "Who was that?" she hummed, nudging Mina's shoulder.

"Stop," she chuckled. "That's Yunho, he helped clean the cut on my cheek."

"Helped clean the cut on your cheek, huh?" she teased, hiding back a squeal as she noticed the boys walk toward her.

"Are you okay, Mina?" asked Jungkook first, much to Mina's surprise.

"Y-Yes, I'm fine," she sputtered and looked at Seokjin and Hoseok. "Are you guys okay? It was kind of crazy in there."

"We're fine. You were pretty brave, braver than the rest of us, that's for sure. And plus, it got us out of that exam," Seokjin responded, causing Hoseok to hum in approval.

"Was that your boyfriend?" Jimin suddenly asked, causing Taehyung to nudge him in the side.

"W-What? No, he wasn't," Mina playfully scoffed, ignoring the heat in her cheeks.

"Good," Jimin cleared his throat before turning to Namjoon. "Do we have practice today?"

"No, coach texted me and told me it was canceled today. Do you guys want to go somewhere together?" Namjoon offered, and Mina had an overwhelming desire to accept, especially if it meant more time with Jungkook, but judging from the sudden vibration of her phone in her back pocket, she could tell it wasn't happening.

She let out a small sigh as she pulled out her phone, seeing a text from Yeojeong telling her that she was going to be picked up anytime soon.

"I can't, I'm being picked up," she said, putting her phone in her pocket once again. "I should probably go grab my stuff."

"I'll come with," Bitna quickly added. She sent Mina a glance that obviously said, 'I'm coming with you because I can't stay within a five-feet radius with Taehyung for more than ten seconds.'

"See you around, then," Jimin said, winking at Mina. "Hopefully very soon."

"Let's go," Yoongi grumbled as he took Jimin's arm, dragging him away as the others bid their farewells quickly before following them. Jungkook stayed behind for a split second, looking at Mina worriedly.

"You'll be okay?" he softly asked, causing Mina's chest to ache from the intense feeling of endearment she was getting just from the eye contact. She could melt in those dark brown eyes of his, swim in their beauty forever.

"Yeah, thank you, Jungkook," she smiled before Jungkook sent her a nod, walking after his friends.

"That was cute. But can we talk about Yunho? He's really cute, and definitely your type," Bitna gushed, intertwining their arms as they began to walk back to her class.

"And how do you know my type? I've only had a crush on one boy my entire life," Mina said.

"Never mind that, I can read body language. He's totally into you," she implied.

Mina blinked in thought, recalling their interactions and searching for any signs. "Really?"

"If naïve was a person, it would be you," Bitna rolled her head back with a sigh. Mina only laughed, shoving her slightly, the movement causing both of them to stumble in the hallway.

They proceeded to the classroom, a particular boy circling around Mina's mind.

Jeong Yunho.

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