xii. Teacher

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MINA BLINKED HEAVILY as she comfortably rested her cheek against the palm of her hand, unwillingly dozing off in the middle of her literature test. The room was dead silent, the only sound in the air being the friction between pencils and papers as students wrote rapidly. The morning sun shined through the window by her seat, gleaming off her paper. Her face was warm, and she was falling further and further into a slumber that she couldn't resist.

Mina had only finished half of her test before she grew drowsy. Shadow had conveniently created a villain during the middle of the night, to which she had to wake up quickly to attend. The number of hours she had to sleep was a little less than three. Her brain was working at half of its usual capacity, and these were the kinds of trade-offs that came with being a full-time superhero.

A tap on her foot startled her awake, her eyes quickly opening to see Seokjin beside her, glancing at her with concern laced in his face. She nodded in response, mentally thanking him for making sure she doesn't pass out and fail her test.

She continuously blinked herself awake throughout the time it took her to complete her test. It was an exam over the book they had just completed reading, a book that Mina took two days to finish within the two weeks she was given.

Interrupting her was the sound of a hand against a desk toward the front of the room, and she rose her head to see her teacher, Mrs. Sato, standing over a student. Everyone else's attention seemed to dart to her as well.

"You know I don't tolerate any cheating," she scolded.

"I-I wasn't cheating," the student refuted, shaking his head as Mrs. Sato only looked at him unamused. Mrs. Sato, a woman in her mid-30s, was known to be quite a bitter teacher, who treated every student indifferently yet was quite good at teaching, at least Mina thought so.

"I saw your phone underneath your table, young man. Don't make me take it away from you," she crossed her arms.

"I don't have my phone, I swear!" the student rose both of his hands, opening them to show that he was in fact, holding nothing in his hands. Yet, a small part of Mina could tell that a part of him was lying, and before she could try to read into his mind, Mrs. Sato spoke once more, bitterly.

"I don't appreciate you lying to my face, in my class, in my room. If you wouldn't like to come clean now, I can give your test a zero and send you to the principal's office so that you can give your attitude to him instead," she said. The student scoffed in his seat, obviously feeling that he was being treated unfairly. Even Mina thought that she could at least hear him out a bit more.

"I didn't do anything," the student furrowed his eyebrows, a bit sternly. "I don't appreciate you accusing me of lying."

The teacher scoffed as a few of the other students muttered to each other in shock.

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