xxvi. Sunset

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"HOW WAS THE trip?" asked Master Chan as he sat across the table on his apartment's tatami floor, Mina on the other side as usual when they would usually enjoy tea together like this before training.

"It was fun, I got to go to a lot of sightseeing places, and especially the beach," she replied, a faint smile on her lips as she recalled the past weekend. She had gotten home the Sunday night before, attending school that day and going to 'chess club' after. She usually didn't train on Mondays, but with her recital coming up on Saturday, she was running rehearsals all week starting from Tuesday, so she knew she couldn't squeeze in any training time.

"Were there any villains?" Mina asked before taking her cup of tea to her lips.

"Surprisingly not. I guess Shadow's busy nowadays," he joked, his eyes crinkling from his smile. "I'm glad you had a good time."

"Thank you," Mina nodded, running her thumb along the side of her cup on the table as silence fell upon them, her thoughts running through her head. There was always something she was curious to know from Master Chan, though was always afraid to cross any boundaries and ask. But, given the time that they've known each other, she thought it was about time she asked this question.

"Sir, how did Shadow get his powers?" Mina asked, carefully watching the way Master's expression faltered, a bit taken back by her question though not entirely surprised. He knew this day would come, in which his disciples would wonder exactly how their villain was created. He sometimes dreaded this day, this conversation, but he realized that enough was enough; she deserved to know.

"When I was younger, when I was still Protector Chan," he began to explain, his eyes glued onto the table. "There was a group of people who were searching for these magical powers, destroying cities. They are gone now, but when I was running away from them and taking the magical vials to a safe place, I dropped one. It was the vial Shadow obtained in order to get his powers. He didn't know the true use of the magic, that it was for good, and I couldn't tell him this because I did not know who he was. I was long gone, fleeing to this city when I realized it was missing," he sighed. "I created the monster."

"No, Master, you didn't," Mina said almost immediately, her eyebrows furrowed softly as she processed the story. "Without you fleeing away from this group of people, we would have never met, there wouldn't be a Raven or a Firedrake, and you might have died," she pointed out. "And plus, Firedrake and I will find and defeat Shadow. You'll get your magic back."

"Thank you, Mina," Master looked at her with a warm smile. "I knew I made the right choice."


After about an hour of training, Mina still had about forty-five minutes until Kangho was supposed to pick her up in front of the school for 'chess club'. Because of this, she decided to transform into her suit in an alley, to go on a short patrol around the city. She loved going on patrols, seeing the people of the city go about their everyday lives, knowing each person had their own story. People always intrigued Mina, especially due to the fact that she didn't see very many people in her childhood.

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