v. Appear

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THE SOUND OF an obnoxious alarm startled Mina awake, the overpowering noise clouding her senses. Before she could comprehend what time it was, she slammed her hand onto her bedside alarm clock to turn it off. However, instead of turning it off, she managed to completely smash it into a million pieces.

Her eyes flew open as she sat up, swiftly recalling the odd situation she found herself in the previous night. She looked down at her body, seeing the same outfit she had worn the day before, adding to her confusion.

When did I pass out? she furrowed her eyebrows in confusion as she heavily blinked, still fatigued from her slumber. How did I pass out?

That was when she recalled the vial, the mere memory bringing her attention to the small bottle she had dropped on the floor. When she looked down, she saw the vial; except it was empty. The purple liquid she had seen floating around in there was gone.

Was I dreaming? Did I come home last night and just fall asleep forgetting to change into pajamas? She was considering every possibility, but she could tell it was morning, and she had to get to school. There was no time to think about it-- or even shower, so she hastily got into a lazy outfit before leaving for school.


Mina walked down the hallways after first period, after a strange hour where she didn't feel well. She wasn't sure what was happening to her, but she figured for sure that it was something bizarre from the moment she stepped into the hallway once again.

As she would walk by the students, she would find herself able to hear every conversation, every whisper that dared to fill the air, so clear and clean.

She also found herself being able to suddenly notice a few things, whether it was a strand of hair on a classmate's shoulder or a fly buzzing near someone's ear. She felt as if her senses were dialed to a number beyond the scale, and it was pretty frightening.

Did I eat something? Mina thought in her mind as she panted in front of her locker. She was oddly sweating rapidly, her body on fire. Did someone feed me drugs? Can people do that?

In an attempt to calm herself down, she used the passing period to go to the bathroom, where she swung the door open, making it harshly hit the wall and leave a deep mark. She anxiously stepped toward the mirror, eyes widening upon seeing the inhumane paleness of her skin. She looked like a ghost. If she wasn't sick, then she was sure she was already dead.

She wished Bitna had gone to school that day, as she didn't due to the fact that her grandmother had suddenly fallen ill and she had to go visit her.

Suddenly, Mina heard, quite loudly, the door open, followed by footsteps. Judging by the light clacking of high heels, Mina knew it to be Heejin and Hanbyeol. When she looked to the door, her assumptions became true because they were standing there, staring at her unimpressed.

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