FINIAL. - Love for all?

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The room was dark and cold. The winter season started and I stayed up late most of the time, watching the snow fall from the sky. I was always fond of how beautiful Earth could be. 

Where is my home again? I don't know. I don't have a home anymore. Everything has been stripped away from me. 

I've been living with Zane and his fiancé, Ellise. He proposed to her a few weeks ago. I wasn't overly fond of that, but I was accepting the fact that he finally found someone. I stood there in the kitchen while it all happened. I remembering feeling guilt, pain, sadness, yet I felt happy for him. I was still alone. I didn't have anyone. 

I slicked back my hair and smiled to myself. I made my journal appear in my hand and I sat on my bed. These days, I seemed to be more in peace. Yet, occasionally I would have days that I would space out and remember the blood on my hands. Bloodshed...

I opened the journal and flipped through the pages i've written over the past decade or so. Just stories, notes, lessons...I smiled to myself as I came upon the picture I drew when I was 5 of me and my brother. I miss him. I really do. I miss brother, mother...everyone. 

Occasionally, Liam came to visit by. He was always fond of me and always happy to see me well and healthy. He always came to check up on me. Mentally and physically. I've been homesick lately. Came up with a nasty cold. 

Liam told me that everything about me got cleared up. I have no criminal record. I instead have a clean one, and I intend to keep it like that now.

Each time he came, seems like I've been getting closer to him and I might be catching feelings, oh dear..

I sighed and pulled my hair out of frustration. 


I told him about my vision going blurry now, and he's coming by later to check up on me.

I made my journal disappear and laid down, hugging myself. I've been thinking about getting a tattoo on my arm, but I'm not sure. I'll ask Liam about it when he gets here in a few minutes. 

After 30 minutes, he knocked on my door and walked in, smiling at me. Of course I warmly smiled at him and let him sit on my bed, to examine me. He looked well dressed and well rested. His dirty blonde hair, his baby blue features...god he was so handsome...oh dear, I'm starring. I looked away embarrassed and he noticed, laughing and blushed.

He examined me, and then to my eyes. "Liam, how old are you again?" I asked, softly while he was writing stuff down in his notepad. He looked up at me and looked at me in the eyes. "30."

"Oh, you seem younger. Wow, your older than me." I said and looked down at my hands, fidgeting.

"Yeah, I get that a lot. How old are you then?" He asked, his expression going soft and curious. I smiled and looked up at him.

"27..turning 28 in a few weeks." I said softly.

He smiled and put away his notepad in his bag and went back to looking at me. "You seem older than me, not to be offensive or anything."

"It's fine, I know."

"Well, Adam, it seems like you'll be needing glasses now."

"Oh, am I going blind?"

"Not exactly, but with some medications, you'll get better soon. Also, how is that cold of yours doing?"

"I have a nasty cough, but really that's all. I've been hot lately. Checking my temperature, no fever." I said, looking at him, trying to focus.

"Hm, probably just because of how warm this room is. Anyway, can I see your hand?"

"Oh, sure." I said and allowed him to grab my hand. His soft hand, I just wanted to place on my cheek and kiss it..

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