Chapter Nine - Sadist.

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I immediately backed away from Zane, covering my mouth with my hand and went to the kitchen, quietly. The person who walked in, looked at me and then at Zane. Zane doesn't know what I actually am. 

I sat on the counter and made a bottle of whiskey appear in my hand.

"So, uhm, is anyone gonna explain what I just walked into?" They said and more people walked in, questioning what was happening. I stayed quiet and opened the bottle, out of spite. I gripped the bottle tighter.

Zane looked up at me and I kept my head low. I refused to look at anyone.

We stayed quiet, awkwardly in silence between all of us, the tension getting higher. I felt my skin to burn and my blood started to boil by how irritating the silence was. 

A few moments passed and the Cap walked in and crossed his arms. Giving a disappointed look in Zane and at me. Oh how much I hated that look. I've always been looked down and disowned. But that look reminded me of how much of a mistake I am. The cursed one. A patheic god. Can't do shit.





It was so irritating to be called that. 

"So what's this? You and him. What's happening? Zane and Adam, you know very well this can't happen." He said with a disappointed and low tone. I clenched my jaw and bit my lip. My eyes were starting to burn and ache.

"Why? What's so wrong with this?" Zane asked and he looked at me for a moment then looked back at the Cap.

"This is inappropriate. You are coworkers. This won't show a good representation-" He said before getting cut of by the god.

"And so what? Is that all you care? Representation? Pft, please, you already ruined that by bringing me in." I said and got off the counter, going up to him and stopped. I glanced up at him. 

He looked at me, and I saw his shoulders start to tense. Oh, I loved seeing him getting tense. I smirked and raised my head up, looking eye to eye at him. He stepped back, his eyes wide, and looked at me in fear. 

"What happened to you? That's not your eyes, Adam."

"No it isn't, it's the eyes of a God, you mortal." I spat and went for his neck to choke him. I wrapped my hand around his neck and rose him from the ground, up in the air. My grip around his neck started to tighten and dug my nails into his skin. I smirked.

Everyone else in the room yelled at me and sounded the alarm. They pointed their guns at me and yelled at me to drop him. Foolish beings. I knew they would betray me. They can't trust a god, especially, the God of Chaos. 


"Adam. Drop him, please." Zane said and took my arm. I looked at him and his eyes widened. Pity.

"Adam, please, you don't have to do this." He said and tried to pull my hand away. I didn't move. I smiled and threw the cap into him, making them both fall to the ground. I stood there and looked at the guards who now arrived.

The way they looked at me. I was the monster who they were told to fear in their nightmares. A monster. Selfish for power. Hungry for bloodshed. I mean, they aren't wrong either way. Oh the fear I felt and sensed among everyone. They were all tensed up and didn't know what to do against me. They have never gone against a God.

I raised my hands up in the air, and threw the bottle at one of the guards causing them to move out of the way, distracting the others. I took my chance, and took my dagger out of my shealth. Zane looked at me and yelled for me to stop. 

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