Chapter One - Silent Night.

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Woken up by my alarm, I grunted and turned it off. I turned over by my side, facing my bed stand.

I stare half-awake at my phone. Haven't received any phone calls or any messages as usual. I think to myself.

I sat up and stretched my arms. I looked beside me. No one was there. I started to feel anxious and got up, went to the bathroom to take a hot shower. I stood still for a moment and looked at my naked self in the bathroom mirror.

Dark circles under my eyes. Hair is a mess. Pale. Bruised up.

Oh Mobius, I'm a huge mess.

I got in the shower and let the water fall down my back. "It's been a while since I've got out and had a proper breakfast," I said to myself. 

I let the water hit my hair, as it felt soothing. After quite a while, I got out of the shower, turned off the water, and grabbed a towel, I started to dry myself. Walked back into my bedroom and grabbed some fresh clean clothes, being a dark gray turtleneck, and some black dress pants. I grabbed a clean black jacket and some black dress shoes. I went and slicked my hair back with some oil grease. 

- - -

Walking down the city's main square was oddly quiet. 

There was quite the snow here in New York. I wasn't surprised it snowed though, It usually snows over here and that's why I like being in New York. 

I went to a coffee shop, where I usually go and get a proper breakfast. As I walked in, I was greeted by a young cashier cleaning the cashier. 

"Oh Hey, Mori!" she said, joyfully, happy to see me.

"Oh hello, Jane," I said softly and smiled at her.

"Want your regularly?" she said knowing the answer already. "You know me. Of course. Here-" I said before getting cut off.

"No need to pay. It's free. It's Christmas Eve. It's my gift to you." She said, smiling softly, and went to go my coffee.

"Oh, well thank you," I said, sitting at a table and taking out a book, I found in the main library here in New York.

I read the book for quite a while before getting a hot coffee placed in front of me with a plate of food. I looked up from my book at her, confused. "Don't worry about paying and sorry for taking so long to make it, I'm the only one here since everyone else here already left for the holidays." She said. "Do you mind If I sit with you?" 

"Make yourself at home, I don't mind at all. I would like some company after all."

She sat down and took off her apron. She looked outside, where it started to snow again and the Christmas lights were brighter than ever. She looked at me and then at the book I was reading.

"What are you reading there? Spellbook of some sorts?" She asked curious waiting for a response from me, I looked at her and sighed.

"You can say that in some way. It's ancient magic I'm reading about. It's believed that there are realms where kings ruled and they protect each other from Chaos. They each take their role in protecting the universe. But, it's also believed that there are gods. For Instance, The God of Winter. They help and protect the realms. Yet, they use ancient magic that no one has ever seen nor will ever be able to achieve." I proclaim. I knew all of this was no lie. Because I used to be one of these protectors. Yet, it's been 15 years since my banishment from The Divide. Things here haven't been going so well for me.

- - -

I woke up frantic. Everything was so dark and yet so wet. The grass was wet. I looked up from where I landed and it was snowing. So this is Midgard, I thought to myself. I stood up and eased myself to my feet. God my feet hurt so much, and I was practically freezing. I wasn't wearing anything warm, yet I guess haven't gotten used to the travel thing. 

I took some deep breaths and the cold started to feel soothing to me. I was immune to the cold, being born from a creature that ruled the winters. I walked slowly around. I had no idea where I was going. I heard some type of barking and instantly I ran towards the sound. 

No idea where I was going.

Can I trust anyone?

I stopped by a tree and stood behind it, hiding from some people looking around. They had their dogs on some type of leash. Looked oddly cruel to do that, but I held my breath not knowing if they would find me and kill me.

A dog started to bark in my direction when It heard me. I moved my foot to a more comfortable position. The dog tugged for its human to follow, they finally gave in. They went towards the tree I was hiding in. 

"There's no one there, you damn dog." The guy said looking around, and where I stood. He flashed the flashlight at me and just walked away. Thank god that worked. I unconcealed myself and allowed myself to be visible. I should try to get to the main area, and get out of here. 

I slicked my long dark hair back and turned my eyes emerald green. I walked in front of the tree making the guys turn around the dogs to bark and growl. "Hello, boys. Mind lending me a hand?" I said in a arousing tone. I made my daggers appear.

"Who do you think you are?" A guy yelled.

I threw the dagger point-blank at his head causing him to fall to the ground. I smiled and ran towards the other. He struck a blow at my chest, which caused me to gasp for air. I tackled him to the ground. I put my grip between his head with my thighs. He struggled to break free when he couldn't break free. I just applied more pressure and force, to stop him from breathing. He grabbed my thigh and started hitting it. He eventually broke free and stood up instantly.

"Damn, you can kill someone with those thighs of yours." He said.

I didn't know if that was a compliment or what, but I took it as a compliment.  

"Cmon, I don't got all day to do this, you mortal," I say, raising my gaze at him. I decided to use one of my old tricks. I made 2 projections of myself. I smiled and went after him. 

- - -

Blood was splattered all over the white snow, only to be covered in a dark red. I stood there, my breath being visible. My dagger was covered in blood and my clothes were soaked in blood. I did the one thing I got banished for. "Was nice having some fun with you, but I have business to finish," I said to the faceless body. I rubbed the blood off my face and made the dagger disappear.

I can rule here. I can kill here. I can't be counted my crimes against here. I can start over again. I can practically rule this realm. But I snapped myself out of that unachievable goal. I walked while my feet sunk in the snow.

- - -

"Mori, Mori, MORI!" I snapped out of my daydream and looked upon Jane. 

"Jesus, you scared me when you just stopped talking and started to space out." She said with an odd shake and a worried expression. 

"I'm sorry- I guess I haven't gotten much sleep lately," I said, looking down at the book as I shut it. I slicked back my hair and rubbed my eyes. "Here, let me go get you a glass of water, might help at least." She said as she was getting up and went behind the counter to get a glass of water for me.

Did I just space out like that? I thought I had it under control. I have to be more careful.

She placed the glass in front of me and I took it, drank it, and placed the glass down slowly. I sighed and apologized once again. 

"No, no, it's fine. Just don't scare me like that. You looked so...empty and your eyes just randomly looked so dull and cold. I-, can't explain what happened I-" she persisted.

"Jane, please, it's fine. It's been happening more often and I've been trying to get help with this issue. I'm sorry for making such a fuss here." I say while looking at my watch. "Shit, almost time for work. I gotta go but thanks for the coffee and breakfast!" I said while rushing out of the building.

This was going to be a long day.

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