Chapter 7 - Burdens

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A second ago, Thomas had been sure he was about to die, but just before he could actually press the button on the grenade in his hand, an armored car started to make its way across the camp, ricocheting all of the bullets sent its way as it barreled straight over at Teresa, Dr. Paige and Janson. Thomas was confused for a moment, but when he heard the laughter that echoed around the mountains coming out of the car, he started to understand the situation a little bit better.

"Jorge." He whispered, half-surprised and half-amazed as a smile started to form in his lips in spite of the situation.

Taking a step back, Thomas made sure that all of his friends were all of harm's way as Jorge continued to drive his car like a maniac through the camp, distracting the WCKD guards enough for the kids to catch a breath while Janson spun around himself, trying to access the situation the best way he could. Jorge drove the car straight at one of the WCKD helicopters still parked around the camp and, as soon as the collision happened, fragments of metal flew around everywhere as Jorge jumped out of the car just before it blew up, sending some of the WCKD guards flying around, as well as Thomas and the rest of the kids.

In spite of the smoke in his eyes and the ringing in his ear, Thomas could still see some of the guards, instructed by Janson, escorting Teresa and Dr. Paige to the huge airplane where some of the other kids were already being held captives in. With the last of his strength, Thomas started to get up, but, before he could do much else, he heard a gun being loaded behind him and he quickly turned around at the sound.

"Freeze!" One of the WCKD guards yelled over the commotion with his gun pointed at Thomas. "Drop it, kid!"

For a moment, Thomas actually considered doing what he had been told, but, once he noticed, from the corner of his eyes, Newt, Minho, Frypan, Selena and Harriet all waiting on him, he decided not to give up just yet. So, taking a quick glance at the grenade still in his hands, Thomas clicked on the button and threw it out in the general direction of the guard.

"Run!" He yelled, taking off himself as he watched all of his friends scatter around for cover. "Get down!"

"Freeze!" The guard tried to stop Thomas, but, just before he could shoot, Thomas dove down to the ground and covered his head and ears, hearing a muffled explosion behind him and feeling a wave of heat coming off of it.

Twisting around on the ground, Thomas turned toward where the guard had been just a second before and, once he saw no one there anymore, he let out a quick breath of relief. Looking around himself, Thomas tried to find any of his friends, but, considering he had told them to run and they were all fighting for their lives at the moment, it was no surprise that he couldn't really find any of them. So, once again, Thomas pushed himself off the ground, trying to find somewhere safe so he could hide away for enough time to come up with another plan, but, before he could, through the smoke of the explosion, came out no one other than Janson himself.

The man wore a scowl on his face and he was clearly angry, as he was in any other situation he had had to deal with Thomas, but, now, he didn't have to play nice anymore. As soon as he was close enough, Janson landed a punch straight at Thomas' face, causing the boy to grunt as he fell to the ground with the impact.

"What a waste...." Janson almost smirked, pulling out a gun from his jacket as he loaded it and pointed at Thomas, who just watched him with wide eyes, not seeing, for himself, any way of turning this situation around.

So, laying there, Thomas braced himself for the impact and the pain he knew he was about to endure if Janson didn't offer him the mercy of a quick death. When he heard a bullet being fired, however, he didn't feel anything. Instead, he widened his eyes when, above him, Janson started to spasm after being hit by one of the WCKD electrical guns. Thomas had half a second to frown in confusion, but, before he could even start to wonder what had actually happened, he felt a hand on his shoulder. He instantly and, almost instinctively, started to push himself away from the touch, but then he felt small fingers digging into his skin to keep him down as a voice sounded from above him.

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