Chapter 1 - Ambush

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The plan was simple, really. Vince had gotten word from Marcus that a small group was looking for them. Marcus had told Vince they had taken Bertha with them - yes, the car had a name, a woman's name, of course, and it infuriated Selena for some reason - so they would be taking the road up to the mountains. Marcus had said they were all immunes, run-aways from WCKD much like Selena and the girls had been, but, according to Vince, Marcus had never been the most trust-worthy person out there, so, ever since they had received the message from him two days ago, Selena, Harriet, Sonya and some of the older members of the Right Arm had been camped out by the road, waiting for the moment the people coming to them would get there so they could make sure they were who they were told they were before they could be taken up to the Right Arm.

So, for the past 24 hours, Selena had done nothing but hide, eating some of the dry nuts she had brought with her as she sat behind a large rock, covered by it from the view from the road, her gun laying carefully beside her. Sonya and Harriet were sitting with her as well, the three of them having a few whispered conversations every once in a while and taking turns sleeping as they waited and, it wasn't until their 30th hour there that things started to change.

Selena was the first to hear it, the quiet hum of an engine, getting closer by the second. Bringing a finger up to her lips, she signalized for Sonya and Harriet to grow quiet and, as soon as both girls noticed her wide eyes, they stopped talking.

"Is that them?" Sonya asked, as soon as her own ears picked up on the same sound Selena's had.

"Must be." The red-headed mumbled, peaking her head out from behind the rock to look up at the top of the mountains where some of the Right Arm's soldiers were stationed. When she nodded at them and received a thumbs up in response, she knew they were ready to put their plan into action as soon as necessary. "Who else would be driving here anyway?"

Sonya nodded in quiet agreement then, picking up her gun as she moved to crouch down next to Selena, watching as her friend pulled up her hoodie over her head to try and blend in with their surroundings a little better while peeking from around the rock at the road in front of them. Selena watched quietly, her breathing shallow and a little tense as she tried not to make any sounds, her eyes hard and calculating as she observed Bertha stopping in the middle of the road due to the jumbled up cars the Right Arm had left in the middle of the road with the exact idea of stopping any new incomers.

Selena and the girls watched as, from inside the car, about ten people came out, all of them looking around and accessing their surroundings for any dangers. As soon as they did, however, Selena, Sonya and Harriet moved to hide back against the rock, the three of them so quiet that the only sounds that could be heard around the mountains were the echoes of the new people's footsteps.

"Well, I guess we're on foot..." The older man spoke up and, before he could do much else, or even try to get the kids with him to follow him over the cars, Selena looked up at the top of the mountain in front of her, nodding her head when she noticed one of Vince's men's head peeking down at her to wait for her signal.

And as soon as the signal came, an array of bullets came pouring down on the new incomers.

"Get down!" The same men ordered as soon as the bullets started flying, coming from everywhere around them, close enough to scare, but not enough to hurt, just as Vince had instructed. "Take cover!"

And so they did, moving and running all around to duck and crouch down by the cars around them, keeping their heads down, as to not end up being hit by anything. Looking out from her hiding place again, Selena noticed the way not only were they were all hiding now, they had also broken apart in about three different, smaller groups in their haste to take cover. That was exactly what they had wanted though - after all, controlling a few small groups was easier than keeping an eye on a single larger one. So, looking up at the top of the mountain again, Selena nodded her head once more and, as soon as she did, the bullets stopped flying.

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